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“Shall we move on to the next activity?” He rose and stretched out his legs, taking my emptycup.

“There’s more?” I stood beside him, my curiosity more than piqued.

“Always.” In a perfect five-point shot complete with a little jump, he landed both in the garbage. “Are you up for it? It’s a little more Christmasy than this, but it’s something I’ve done every year since I moved here.”

I nodded, pleased with the side effects from the first activity. “Sure.”

“You’ll have to wear something for me though.”

My head tipped to the side, and I scanned his face. What exactly would I have to wear? “Maybe?”

“Maybe? I’ll need a yes before we can go.” He stood there, digging his boots into the snow, a small smile threatening to spread across his charming face.

“It’s pain free?”

“Have I done anything yet that hurts?”

“Well,” I paused and pursed my lips together. “There was that fall yesterday at the rink, and today, I just about hit a parked car.”

“Those were all on you.” He walked close enough to smell the hint of mint from his hot chocolate.

“But you took me to them?” I had to counter, even if I was only joking.

Jesse rubbed his chin. “True, but…” His hand fell away. “I promise, this shouldn’t hurt. It should only make your heart grow two sizes.”

I bridged the distance between us, which wasn’t much anymore. “Colourme intrigued. With that kind of description, I’ll wear whatever you want.”

A desire sparked in the depths of his doe-eyed browns, a deep longing of desire. “Let’s go.”

We drove from the hillside back into Cheshire Bay, and right into the heart of downtown. If you could call it that. More like a cluster of buildings all tucked off the main drag.

However, none of the names on the building were familiar.

“Where are we?”

“The real estate office.” He deadpanned so easily it was comical.

Of course, there was the office of Brunner and Fox. We were parked in front of their main door.

Jesse grabbed the bag nestled between us and pulled out a Santa hat, handing it to me. “You can wear this.”

A slight chuckle rumbled out. A hathadn’t been what I’d been thinking I’d have to wear, but I nonetheless pulled off my toque and slipped on the white fur lined hat.


“You look cute, and if I had a cape, I’d put it on you so you would be super cute.”

Where did he come up with these? Still, a smile stretched across my face at the words and a warm glow settled over my chest. “What will I be doing with this Santa hat on?”

“Aside from being adorable?”

Heat seared my cheeks. “Yeah.”

“Well, we’re going to go in there…” He pointed to the real estate office, where two people emerged also wearing Santa hats and carrying a few garbage bags.

“And do what?”

“You’ll see.”Replacing his toque with his Santa hat, he hopped out with a jump and walked over to my side. “This is the best part of the season, for me at least. C’mon.”
