Page 17 of Rogue God

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Matt: You’re unlike any girl I’ve ever met.

Me: Sorry.

Matt: Don’t ever apologize for who you are, Rogue.

Staring down at his message, my chest tightened and a ball of emotion I couldn’t explain appeared in my throat, making me glad he couldn’t see my reaction to his words.

Me: Right, I best get some sleep. I just wanted you to know I appreciate everything you did.

Matt: What hideous PJs do you have on tonight?

I pulled the phone away from me and snapped a photo of me smiling in myMy Little Ponytop and send it to him.

Matt: Dear lord!

Me: I know. They’re so pretty, aren’t they?

Matt: Nope! Get some sleep, Rogue. There’s a whole world of trouble you can get into tomorrow.

Me: The possibilities are endless. Night Matt x

He didn’t reply again, so I plugged my phone into charge before laying back on my bed, allowing a few more images of him to race through my mind, as I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

A loud knock pulled me from the song I was writing, curled up on the sofa in my suite.

“It’s open.”

Matt stepped into the room, his eyes searching until he found where I sat. When they landed on me, a half smile pulled at his lips. “Morning. Sorry to bother you, but Neo’s got food poisoning. Did he eat the same burgers as you last night?”

“No, he chose the salad. I told him all that green stuff wasn’t good for him.”

“Well, I’ll be taking care of you today, so if you want to go anywhere, let me know. If I’m not about, give me a call. I won’t be far.”

“Actually, I was going to go shopping this afternoon. I need something to wear for a charity event I’m doing this weekend. Is that okay?”

“Whatever you need. What time do you want to go?”

“About three? We can get some food afterward.”

He shook his head as he laughed.

“What?” I cried. “A girl has to eat.”

“I’ll be back here for three. Don’t go outside without me.”

A little before 3 pm, I was finishing my coffee with Gray and Mav when the elevator pinged, and Matt stepped out. Dressed in black boots, dark jeans, and a plain white tee under his black leather jacket, carrying a black cap and a pair of sunglasses, he looked so hot that I struggled to catch my breath. He nodded in our direction and fell into his favorite bouncer stance, wide legged, arms folded across his chest. He didn’t speak while he waited for me to finish what I was doing and grab my purse.

“Right, I’m going shopping. Be good, boys.” I waved at my brothers before I stepped into the elevator with Matt at my back, his proximity making my body hum with excitement.

“I called the store and had them close it for a couple of hours, so you shouldn’t get bothered by any randoms.”

“Thanks, Matt. You really are the best.”

He didn’t speak again, but when the elevator doors opened, I noticed his cap was on, peak pulled low, his sunglasses covering his rich green eyes.

Taking me by the elbow, he led me to the car, opened the door, and guided me inside.

“You want me to sit in the back with you again?”
