Page 50 of Rogue God

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I walked to the living area of the penthouse feeling like everyone could tell I’d had sex four times last night. Matt had given me the best oral sex of my life before fucking me hard. Then he ordered me pizza, which was when I knew this man was a keeper. After that, we had sex in the shower, where he fucked me against the wall. I’d then woken him in the middle of the night, riding him until he cried out my name, and this morning he woke me by pushing himself inside me from behind and whispering how much he loved me, while I was half asleep.

I’d not had sex for over a year and even then I’d only had sex with a handful of people. Unlike my brothers, I didn’t want a trail of one night stands everywhere we toured. But things with Matt felt different. He gave me everything I wanted and things I didn’t even know I needed. I’d never had so many orgasms or screamed as loudly… something I needed to curb unless I wanted my brother’s finding out what I was getting up to with our head of security, and that wasn’t a conversation I wanted to have right now.

Matt had left this morning before anyone could see him, and I missed him already. Like magic, my phone pinged.

Matt: Morning beautiful. I hate being away from you. I could have stayed inside you all day.

Me: I can barely walk this morning. If you’d have stayed any longer, I would have to get Addi to cancel tonight’s gig.

Matt: Last night was amazing. I’m sorry I fucked you about for so long.

Me: All that matters is you’re fucking me now. No regrets, right?

Matt: I wish I was fucking you right now and not looking at Rob’s miserable face. No regrets. I meant what I said. I love you.

Me: And your past?

Matt: Let me deal with that. Got to go. I’ll see you for your sound check sexy. Behave.

Me: Yes, sir xxx

“You okay there, sis? You’re walking a bit funny.”

I flicked my middle finger up at Tanner.

“What happened to you last night, Frankie?” Mav asked, concern etched into his face.

“I couldn’t stand that creep coming on to me anymore. It all got a bit much.”

“Hazel wasn’t happy you left.”

“I don’t really give a shit. I was ‘ill’.” I winked before pouring a coffee and piling my plate high with pancakes and maple syrup.

“Anyone seen Matt today?” Tanner asked, a half smile twisting his lips.Bugger, he knows.

“No,” I shrugged.

“Where’s Addi?” Mav questioned.

“She went out last night. Did she not come home?”

“She did what? With who?” he cried, looking between Tanner and I.

“Some old friend, apparently.”

Mav stood quickly, grabbing his phone, and storming off to his suite.

“What’s up with him?” I asked.

“Maybe he’s got a secret crush,” Tanner replied with a shrug. “Seems to be happening a lot around here.”

“No idea what you’re alluding to, big brother. I’m off for a shower. See you at the sound check.”

We were just about to go on stage, listening to the crowd going wild for Eleven Times Rock, who’d been supporting us since we got to the US, singing their new number one song, Our Winter Love.
