Page 72 of Rogue God

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She shook her head, her eyes glazing over with what looked like tears, but Addison Stone, our ice queen manager, didn't do emotions. Not even with us.

“What do you remember?”

I tried to search my memories, but it felt like there was a blank space in my head, as if someone had borrowed them and forgotten to return them to the shelf in my brain where they belonged. “Nothing.”

Addi paused, tucking her blond bobbed hair behind her ears, obviously thinking about what to say to me. “Okay, so the doctor feels like I shouldn’t give you any information about what happened so we can see if you get your memory back on your own.”

“Is there nothing you can tell me?”

She squeezed my hand. “We found Tanner’s stalker. He nearly died, but he’s on the mend and coming home soon.”

“And me?”

“Frankie, you’re going to be out of action for a while. But that’s okay because I know the manager of the new label and she tells you to take all the time you need.” She winked at me with a small sad smile, the toll of the last few months clear on her face.

“I remember that. You’re the new manager of the label. We own the label. Ethan is going to be our new band manager, and Ivy is in charge of our press, so why don’t I remember what happened to put me here?”

“Stress, trauma, the anesthetic, shock, blood loss? I don’t know, but you don’t need to worry about that right now. We’re right here and we will all help you heal.”

“Can you at least tell me what injuries I have?” I asked, needing to know what I was dealing with and how longhealingmight take.

Addi blew out a long, slow breath, making me nervous about what she was going to tell me. “Are you sure you wantmeto tell you? You know I can’t sugar coat things for shit.”

“I don’t want it sugar coated. I want to know and I trust you to give it to me straight.”

As she told me it all, I cried. It explained the sensations in my chest every time I breathed and the pain in my stomach as well as the catheter bag I could see that I hoped everyone else was ignoring.

“Matt?” I managed to sob out.

“I sent him for a shower and a change of clothes because he stank. He’s not left your side since you were brought in.”

“His wife.”

“Frankie, I need you to stop saying those two words around him before you break him.”


“No buts Frankie," she interrupted. "That man loves you to his very bones. Right now, he’s about to crack and if he does, I think you’ll lose him forever. Just let him take care of you and when you’re ready to listen to his story, then I’m sure he’ll tell you, but promise me, Frankie, you won’t keep bringing up his wife.”

“Fine. I won’t mention her again, but don’t blame me when some scandal ends up in the press. Usually, you’re the first one to point out how our behavior affects the band,” I huffed back frustratedly.

“I’m not your manager anymore, so all that nonsense is on Ethan and Ivy now. And there won’t be a scandal, Frankie. I promise.” Addi ran her thumb over my knuckles. “I also promise that Matt is one of the good guys. Don’t let him slip away.”

I woke from a nightmare, screaming. My body burned, my heart raced, and tears streamed down my face. Fragments of memory still clearly played in my mind.Tanner. Shot glasses. A flash of light. Pain.But none of it made any sense.

I desperately tried to fill my lungs, but the pain in my chest was too much, and laying down made it worse. Scrabbling to sit up, a cry spilled from my lips as pain ignited in my body. My breaths grew shallower and more labored, causing me to panic more. Suddenly, Matt was there, standing over me. Wrapping his hands gently under my arms, he lifted me to sit, plumping the pillows behind me. Next, he moved to open the windows, so the cool night breeze danced over my skin, slowing my heart rate.


“Better. Thank you,” I let out breathlessly as I tried to fill my lungs.

“What do you need, Rogue? Painkillers? Do you want me to get the doctor? How can I help?”

“Can you come and rub my back? I really want to feel your hands on me.”

“That I can do. I can’t get into bed with you because you’re in too much pain, but if you can manage to roll over a bit, I can stand here and rub your back. Is that okay?”

“Can you help me?”

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