Page 38 of Bad Luck

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Like most nights, when I got home last night, Andie had already gone to bed. But when I was ready to slide into bed, I didn’t feel like sleeping alone.

I had argued with myself the entire fucking way to her room and then stood beside her bed, looking down at her while she looked so peaceful and beautiful as she had slept.

I didn’t want to get into bed with her because that would have felt like I was intruding on her private space, so I gently pulled back her coverlet and picked her up.

She hadn’t woken, but she had snuggled up against me, murmuring my name, making my heart thump. I carried her to my bed, settled her there, and slid in beside her, wrapping myself around her, much like I am now.

I slept like a fucking baby, much like I’m sure I will tonight. I like the feeling of sleeping soundly. I don’t want to lose it.

“Lass,” I whisper against her hair, and she murmurs sleepily back to me, letting me know she is still awake. “On nights when I have to run the tables….” I pause, swallowing roughly, but forge ahead before losing my nerve. “I want ye to come and sleep in here, okay?”

Andie stills underneath me for a moment. Even her breathing seems to have stopped. Finally, she makes a small noise of agreement.

“Okay,” she whispers back. I smile against her neck as I close my eyes to sleep.



Walking into the kitchen, I spot my phone lying on the side counter, charging innocuously. Crossing to it, I unplug it, glancing at it. My stomach plummets, a sour taste filling my mouth.

Sighing, I swipe the notification away on my phone. Another eight messages from Hamish last night. Thank goodness I have stopped taking it to bed with me. When Connor asked me to sleep in his bed every night, even when I went to bed before he got home, I thought it best not to take it up to bed if it woke him in the morning.

I wonder if I should get a new number. As I stare at Hamish’s spamming messages with distaste, a call from Lauren comes through, diverting me.

“Hi, Low. What’s up?”

She pauses, distracted from whatever she is going to say.

“What’s wrong?”

I internally curse, gritting my teeth. Of course Lauren knows something is wrong! How the hell does she even do that?

“It’s nothing.”

I try to brush it off, but Lauren is nothing if not persistent.

“It’s Hamish. He’s started sending me text messages. A lot of text messages.”

“Saying what?” She sounds pissy. I rub the heel of my hand against my thigh. I know Low. She’ll bug me unless I tell her. I should skip the whole nagging bit….

“That he misses me. Asking where I am, that kind of stuff.”

“Fucking asshole,” Lauren swears low under her breath.

“It’s fine. I can handle it. I ignore him. He sends a bunch and then stops for a week,” I rush to assure her. “What did you call about?”

I manage to distract her successfully.

“I want you and Connor to come to dinner tonight. I haven’t had anyone over for dinner now that I have this wicked amazing house. Tiggy goes to bed ridiculously early; now she’s ready to pop. Mellie and Fee are always at Oracle, so you two are it.”

“Aw, shucks. Way to make a girl feel special,” I drawl wryly.

Lauren laughs at me. “Please say you’ll come. I have the menu planned and everything.”

“I’ll come. But I can’t speak for Connor.”

Lauren laughs. “Not to worry. I have got Paddy working on him.”
