Page 37 of Bad Luck

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“Yeah. Niall Byrne.”

Her eyes widen, and she looks like she’s about to hurl, taking a deep, shuddering breath. Yeah, she knows who the Irish Reaper is.

“He’s Mellie’s husband.”

Andie’s eyes widen further. She remembers Niall from the wedding and saw Niall the night at Oracle. She has certainly spent some time with Mellie.

“Mellie and… theReaper?” she asks hesitantly. I smirk at her. I thought the same thing, but they seem well suited.

“Aye. Well, there’s no accounting for taste, lass.”

The tiniest smile tugs at the corners of her lips. Swallowing it down, she sighs.

“That still doesn’t explain the toy.”

Damn it. Andie knows I’m trying to avoid telling her. My lass is too clever.

“The last thing on the list was that we had to hold some collateral.”

I stroke my thumb over her knuckles, carefully studying her face. Andie has no fucking idea what it means. Of course she doesn’t. As I said, Andie’s not cut out for mafia life.

She’s kind and sweet and goodness personified. She bakes for fun, for fuck’s sake! Still stroking her knuckles with my thumb, I sigh, coming clean.

“A Moldovan owed the Italians some money. Alotof money. They weren’t sure when he would be able to pay, so they made him hand over something precious to them for collateral. His children.”

Andie makes a small whimpering noise, and she’s gone statue still. I push on, needing to get this out quickly so I can comfort her.

“Seven and four. They stayed here with my mammy while I went to stay with Paddy and Lauren to act as Lauren’s bodyguard.”

There’s absolute silence in the room for a long, drawn-out moment, and I’m tense, half expecting her to wrench her hand and run screaming. Maybe not out of the house, but definitely out of my bed. To my surprise and relief, she doesn’t go anywhere. She doesn’t even stop holding my hand.

“They went back to their father?” Andie finally whispers slowly, relaxing as I nod.

“Yeah, they went back to their Pa once he had paid. That’s when my mammy told me that she wanted out. Said she drew the line at holding children as collateral.”

Andie nods slowly, chewing on her lower lip as we lapse back into silence.

It’s another ten minutes before either of us moves or speaks again. Andie lays down, curling up on her side to face me, our hands still clasped between us.

“Okay. Should we post their toy back to them?”

I blink at her in surprise. Jesus fuck.That’swhat the lass is thinking about? The idea never fucking occurred to me. Andie blushes when I stare at her for a long moment without speaking.

“What?” she asks defensively. A slow smile settles across my face.

“You took all that better than I thought you would.”

Andie frowns, sighing. “The children weren’t hurt?”

“Not at all. They were treated very well here with my mammy. She made it seem like she was looking after them while their father was busy working.”

Nodding, Andie brushes a strand of hair out of her face as she shrugs.

“Lauren is safe. That’s all that matters.”

My heart thuds in my chest out of sheer relief. I hadn’t realized how worried I was that Andie might call time on whatever the fuck we are doing.

I’m not close to being done with her. Not by a fucking long shot. Flipping off the bedside lamp, I tug her into my arms, closing my eyes as I bury my face in her neck and inhale her sweet mango and honey scent. Andie’s fingers trace slow circles on my upper arm. It feels right to have her in my arms as we fall asleep.
