Page 60 of Bad Luck

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“Andie,” Seamus speaks softly to her. “What happened? Do you remember?”

A sob breaks free from Andie’s lips. Christ. I hug her tightly to me, my lips at her ear.

“Everything is going to be okay,achuislemochroí. I’ve got ye,” I murmur.

Andie’s fingers curl around my jacket lapels, and she rests her cheek against my chest, her eyes fixed on Seamus’s face.

“They came in the front door and smashed the piano. When they saw me, I told them I was the housekeeper.”

Smart play. They were clearly there to target me. It might not have ended so well if she’d told them she was my fucking girlfriend.

“Th-they asked if I was the housekeeper from when the children were held hostage,” she whispers.

Jesus fuck. Mammy. Seamus pales. After all, my mammy is his fucking aunt.

“I s-said that I wasn’t, and they hit me with a g-gun.” She gestures to the cut Lauren is cleaning up while Paddy holds the first aid kit. “Then they p-put me in the c-crawl space and smashed everything. It was s-so dark, and I p-passed out.”

She makes a choking noise, hunching forward and wrapping her arms around her midriff.

“Is Anthony okay?”

“Aye, lass. He’s fine. They ran off when he came inside,” Seamus rushes to reassure her. “We’re going to get the place cleaned up, and there’ll be guards on it before you move back in, I promise.”

Andie nods, pressing her face into my shoulder, whimpering as Lauren finishes cleaning the cut and bandages it.

“You’ll both be staying here in the meantime,” Paddy interjects. I nod stiffly, reluctantly relinquishing my hold on Andie as Lauren helps her up, leading her upstairs to have a bath.

“I’ll put her in your old room,” Lauren calls over her shoulder to me.

As soon as they have gone upstairs, Seamus’s face darkens.

“The fucking Moldovans. They’ll pay for this, Connor,” he assures me. I nod stiffly at him.

He’s fucking right they’ll pay for this. I’m going to fucking slaughter the lot of them.

“Why smash the place up?” Ronan pipes up from the corner. “What message does that send?”

“That they can get inside a fecking Fitzpatrick’s house?” Seamus’s face darkens at the thought. I don’t like the idea of it either. “Ye’ll be having a permanent presence when ye move back in, Lucky. I’m taking no chances. They’ve crossed a fucking line.”

Ronan is still puzzling. “Okay, so a message about getting in. Why pull clothes out of wardrobes and drawers?”

Paddy claps a hand on Seamus’s shoulder, his eyes finding mine. “Looking for something? I can’t imagine your mammy would have let the weans leave anything behind.”

Except somethingwasleft behind. My blood pulses loudly in my ears. “Their toy.”

Seamus’s eyes snap to mine. “What fecking toy?”

I frown as I conjure up the toy Andie left on the table. “A Disney one. Little yellow thing in overalls with a huge eye. Andie found it in the closet in the bedroom mammy had them in. At the back.”

“Maybe they found it when they bailed?” Niall grunts, frowning as he crosses his arms over his chest. I slowly shake my head.

“It’s in the glovebox of my SUV. At Oracle. I told Andie I would mail it back to them, but I never got around to it.”

Ronan’s phone is at his ear. “Liam. Get to Oracle. I want Lucky’s SUV brought to Paddy’s house.”

My hands flex as we wait for the lad to arrive. Seamus calls Uncle Sean to keep him updated and organizes for lads to be placed at his house and mine.

When headlights wash over the house, Paddy strides out, reappearing with Liam, holding the yellow toy. Niall immediately holds his hand out, pulling out a flick knife. When Paddy hands the thing over, Niall guts it like a fish, pulling out a small flash drive. A growl rumbles out of Seamus, but I frown at it.
