Page 69 of Bad Luck

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Lauren almost looks disappointed in me. “You haven’t told Connor?”

I hate the censure in her voice.

“I was on the shot! It wasn’t supposed to happen, and now I have no ideahowto tell him or how he’ll react!”

Lauren opens her mouth, probably to give me some speech about how Ihaveto tell him or some shit, and suddenly, I really don’t want to fucking hear it.

“You can’t tell him, and you can’t tell Paddy or fucking anyone!” I snap at her. I can see the defiance on her face. “It’s my fucking secret, Low. You breathe a word of this to Paddy, toanyone,and I will disappear. None of you, not even Connor, will ever hear from me again, and he will never know his child, and that will all be on you!”

I feel shitty for threatening her, especially when I see her face fall, but I have to protect my child. My baby,Connor’sbaby, comes first.

“I won’t tell anyone, but I think you owe it to Connor to tell him,” I mumble.

“Stay the fuck out of my relationship, Low,’ I warn her quietly. She nods again, her shoulders slumping.

“Are you at least taking baby vitamins?”

“What the hell are baby vitamins?”

“Tiggy takes them. You can buy them at the Pharmacy. I think you should be taking them. They’re good for you and the baby.”

“I’ll talk to my doctor about it,” I promise her, getting to my feet and offering her a small smile. “How about we try those donuts again?”

Lauren offers me an answering smile and nods. Nothing more is said about my baby, and she better keep it that way. I don’t want to have to act on my threat to disappear and never see Connor again. I think it would destroy me because I do love him.



I have no idea how the hunt for the home invaders is going, but Connor and I have been staying with Paddy and Lauren for over a week now.

Most of his house has been tidied up, and they’ve replaced almost all damaged things. But apparently, some windows were smashed, and Seamus insists on bulletproof glass for the whole house. It’s a custom order, so it will take another two weeks to get them fitted and installed.

Lauren is humming as she folds laundry while I watch her. She refused my help. Since I let her in on my secret, Lauren won’t let me help her with any chores. So far, I know she’s kept my secret, and she has yet to tell Paddy, which I can see is eating at her. But tough cookies, bitch.

This ismysecret, and no way Paddy is finding out before Connor. My legs swing as I watch her, wondering how I can trick her into letting me help cook dinner. I feel like a mooch sitting around watching her do all the chores.

Lauren’s phone rings, and she goes all soft and gooey when she answers it, so I know it’s Paddy. I’m about to leave the laundry to give them some privacy, but she’s already hung up, excitedly turning to me.

“Tiggy’s waters just broke! Paddy and Connor are with Seamus heading to the hospital. He says we should meet them there.”

I nod, standing and going in search of a coat and my pocketbook.

“Should we call Mellie and Fiona?” I ask, knowing they are friends with Tiggy. Lauren shakes her head.

“I’ll text them. They won’t come to the hospital.”

I nod and follow her out to her SUV. It’s not until we’re parking at the hospital that I speak again.

“How come Mellie and Fiona won’t come to the hospital?”

Lauren shrugs, scrunching up her nose. “Well, Seamus and Paddy are close. Like, brothers. I’m married to Paddy, so he wants me there. And Connor is Seamus’s cousin, andhewants you here. The others will come later, I suppose.”

Again, I nod, trailing her into the small waiting room. Paddy and Connor are there, and Paddy immediately stands, crossing to Lauren and folding her into his arms, while I cross to Connor and drop into his lap, his arms encircling me immediately.

“Do you think it will be a long wait?” I ask him. Connor mumbles something noncommittal, brushing a kiss against my ear.

“We’ll find out, I suppose. Seamus went straight in with her.”
