Page 70 of Bad Luck

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I always thought first labors were supposed to take hours, but we’re only there for about five when Seamus comes out, beaming, carrying a little bundle wrapped up in a blue blanket.

“Cillian Sean Fitzpatrick,” he announces proudly.

We all stand, moving toward him for a peek. Seamus reluctantly relinquishes him to Connor. The blanket falls away from the baby’s face in the awkward handover.

I’m sure neither Seamus nor Connor has ever held a baby before. Seamus gives Connor some tips about cradling the head, which sounds parroted since he was clearly only recently told himself.

Connor looks scared to death, but his eyes lock on the baby, and his whole face lights up as he smiles tenderly. His eyes flicker up to mine, and he beams at me.

“He’s perfect,” he tells me, and I move closer, cupping the back of the baby’s head, agreeing with him.

“Hand him over, Lucky. I’m a godfather too,” Paddy chides him.

Connor stares at the baby’s face for a moment longer before reluctantly handing Cillian over to Paddy while Lauren helps him hold the baby properly.

Connor takes my hand, hugging me to him, beaming down at me. Resting my head against his shoulder, my heart thumps in my chest.

He was absolutely smitten with the baby. Even now, out of the corner of my eye, I can see he’s still watching the baby with a tender look on his face, where Paddy is cradling him.

I have to tell him. I realize with a start. I have to tell him he is going to be a father, and I think he will be okay with it. Please, God, let him be okay with it.


Andie has been pensive since we got home from the hospital. I haven’t had a chance to ask her about it. She and Lauren disappeared to cook dinner, and Lauren wanted help baking some goodies to deliver to Tiggy now she’s home.

Seamus took her home yesterday afternoon, getting her and his son settled in at his house, which now also has bulletproof windows since Tiggy was kidnapped.

When we got into bed, Andie seemed like maybe she wanted to say something, but she didn’t, so I ate her out and fucked her senseless before we fell asleep.

When I woke up this morning, she and Lauren were already in the kitchen, baking.

“Where’s Paddy?”

Lauren glances over at me. “Already gone to Seamus’s.”

I curse under my breath. I didn’t realize how late I had slept.

“He took a lasagna and a quiche,” Lauren continues. “If you’re going soon, we have some muffins and things that Tiggy likes.”

Andie mumbles something to Lauren, who casts her a look and nods, squeezing her arm. Andie crosses to the door and beckons to me. Bemused, I follow her into the den at the back of the house, sinking onto the sofa beside her, taking her hand.

“What is it,leannán?” I ask her, squeezing her ice-cold hands. “Jesus fuck, you’re hands are cold.”

I chafe them. Andie shrugs, taking a long, shuddering breath.

“Connor,” she whispers, her eyes darting up and holding mine, looking apprehensive. “I’m pregnant.”

The words rattle around my brain, bouncing off the walls of the now fucking empty space as I try to comprehend what she’s telling me.

“Y-you’re pregnant?” I stare at her open-mouthed, and she nods.

“Almost twelve weeks,’ she whispers. My brain is racing to do some quick math. Jesus fuck.

“You got pregnant the first time we were together?”

My mouth feels like it’s full of cotton balls right now. It sounds like it too.

“But…but you’re on birth control. You only had your shot right before you moved in.”
