Page 8 of Demon Kept

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“Females,” Turik said immediately. “They look different. They talk different. They think different. They are fun to watch but cry and run away all the time.” I heard a hint of annoyance in his tone at the end. But not anger.

“I suppose it does seem like that. But I think we’re getting used to our differences and aren’t running quite as much. The pointed ears were a little shocking in the beginning.” I tucked my hair behind my ear and turned my head slightly. “Weren’t our small ears disturbing when you first saw us?”

He snorted.

“I didn’t see ears. I saw chest mounds and heard about female pussies. A hole where your cock should be is more disturbing than an ear.”

A laugh ripped from me. “I guess I never thought of it that way. The fixation makes a bit more sense now.”

“Is there truly nothing there but a hole covered by hair?”

“Uh…I mean, there’s no penis, if that’s what you’re asking.”

“Can I see?”

Another laugh escaped me. “No. And asking to see a woman’s privates probably is what sends us running away.”

He grunted and leaned back in his chair.

“Solin drew Brooke’s pussy to show us what it looks like, but Brooke said it was a private picture and he shouldn’t share it. Ghua had magazines with pictures of pussies, but Eden and Mya burned them all. I don’t think pussies are real.” He crossed his arms and gave me a smug look. “I think you have chest mounds and a small cock.”

“If you’re hoping I’m going to drop my pants and prove you wrong, it’s not going to happen. I’m not the show-and-tell type.”

A brief expression of disappointment danced over his features as he grunted and uncrossed his arms. However, it disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. I wasn’t sure what to think of that since Nat often hid what he was actually feeling behind his polite mask.

“Are you hungry?” Turik asked abruptly. “Vorx and I have plenty of food.”

He stood and went to the kitchen. Packages, canned goods, and bags filled each cupboard he opened. Like a moth drawn to a flame, I stood and drifted closer to him—and the food. The abundance stunned me.

“Are those cheese curls?” I asked, unable to look away from the bag. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d enjoyed the snack. Saliva pooled in my mouth.

No matter how desperately I wanted to gorge on the snack, though, I kept my hands at my sides and the hope off my face. It wasn’t my food to take.

Turik removed and opened the bag before handing the whole thing to me. I accepted with a smile of thanks, and he watched closely as I took one curl out and popped it into my mouth. The processed cheddar flavor hit my tongue, and I groaned.

“I know these are full of chemicals and preservatives and aren’t good for me, but I missed them so much. It’s been ages.”

I helped myself to another one, savoring the taste while looking at the supplies Turik and his roommate had accumulated. I could imagine the jealousy and resentment that many of the people in Tenacity would show if they saw this. Especially one particular group of people.

“If Nat had known how much food was here, he would have caused trouble.”

“He did cause trouble,” Turik said. “And it didn’t help him gain more food. He lost his chance with females. Nat isn’t smart. Or scary. You’re safe here. Do you want to try a new bag?”

I smiled at Turik’s blunt honesty and interpretation of what had happened.

“No, these are perfect for now. I wouldn’t mind a glass of water to go with it, though.”

He opened another cupboard, and instead of handing me the glass, he filled it for me and gestured that I should sit at the counter.

“You don’t have to wait on me,” I said even as I sat. “I can get my own water.”

“I want to do things for you. I want you to enjoy living here so you stay.”

“Where else do you think I would go?”

“To live with one of my brothers.”

I frowned slightly and munched on another cheese curl as I tried to understand how Turik might see our arrangement.
