Page 9 of Demon Kept

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“I don’t plan on going anywhere. You’re the one who offered me somewhere safe to stay despite the part I played in stealing food and my exile for it. Your brothers might not be so forgiving. However, you do bring up a good point. Neither of us knows what to expect with this arrangement. So let’s lay it out.

“How is this going to work with me living here, Turik? What are my responsibilities? How can I be a contributing member of this house and the community?”

He considered me for a thoughtful moment.

“Brooke draws. Angel lets us feel the baby move inside of her and teaches us how to make women feel good with our hands. Eden lets Ghua lick her pussy. Brenna teaches the other women how to fight. Emily comes up with ideas to show females that the fey are nice and would make good husbands. Mary likes to look at our cocks, but James says we shouldn’t let her see them anymore. Hannah—”

“Hold up. Who is Mary? And should I be concerned that you only listed like two things that weren’t related to sex in some way?”

“Mya says that Mary is a grandma and old and fragile. We have to be careful with elderly humans. Mary will feed us and let anyone without a house take a shower in her home. James is Mary’s husband. He says seeing too many cocks in one day isn’t good for Mary’s heart, so my brothers take turns showering there.

“And sex is an excellent way to contribute. If you choose to have sex with me, you will be contributing to this house and the community. You can ride my face like a pony if you want.”

I snapped my mouth closed, unsure when, during all that, it had fallen open.

“I don’t know where you heard that turn of phrase, but it’s not exactly nice. It’s like asking a woman to see her privates. More likely to send her running than to get a ‘yes,’ okay?”

He grunted, his annoyance briefly showing before he shifted his focus to the cabinets for a moment.

“I just want to have a female of my own. I want to feed her and protect her and hold her while she sleeps. I want to give her little kisses when she’s sad and see her smile when she’s happy. Why do females keep wanting to run away from males who only want to give?”


I studiedTurik’s earnest expression and felt my opinion of the fey shift. The men came across as slightly naïve in most conversations. Yet, they had a way of seeing into the heart of things that really brought clarity to a situation.

Whywerewomen so reluctant to let the fey care for them? Yes, these huge males wanted romantic relationships. So what? So did half the human population.

The fey were strong, dependable, and non-violent to females. Their unique eyes, ears, and skin coloring aside, there wasn’t a single good reason to run from them. Except for, perhaps, a lack of interest in hooking up with any man at the moment.

“I don’t have a good answer for you,” I said. “But I can tell you that, for me specifically, having just removed Nat’s ring, I’m not ready for the type of relationship you want. I didn’t like how Nat…cared for me and need some time to move past that. Which means I’m not interested in having sex with anyone right now.”

“We don’t need to have sex. I would be happy to lick your pussy until you make happy sounds.”

A flush of heat rocketed through me.

“No. I’m not ready for that either,” I managed.

“What about small kisses on your face?”

“I think that’s something we would need to work up to. Can we maybe just start with being friends?”

That suggestion would have been a death knell for most other men, but Turik didn’t seem the least put out by it.

“Okay. What do friends do?”

“They talk to each other like we’re doing. Or get each other something to drink or make a meal for each other, like we’re doing now. But without any expectation of sexual compensation.”

“Yes, I can do that. I will feed you and protect you. Can I hold you while you sleep too?”

“Um, maybe just not yet. But we should probably talk about sleeping arrangements. I’m happy to take the couch and look for another mattress—”

He was already shaking his head, his easy-going expression gone.

“My bed is big. We can both sleep on it.”

The determined light in his eyes told me he wouldn’t easily bend to my way of thinking. I also knew how much the fey valued consent and that I wouldn’t need to worry about being violated while I slept.

A night without fear of abuse would be a pleasant change of pace.
