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I press a hand over my heart, feeling it race. “I know what she needs. She needs to be lifted up, she needs to feel safe and cherished. We can do that for her. It might not make sense, but I know, deep down, we’re the only ones who can give it to her.” Jude gives a nod and I know, without a word, that he’s in. I look at Coyle. His eyes are still closed, but he heard every word. “What about you, Coyle, are you in?”

His eyes snap open before he stands and crosses his arms over his chest as if shielding himself, his heart. I understand why. He has his own fears because of the losses he’s suffered. I was able to mask my pain as I stood behind him, forcing myself to be the comic relief for so damn long because it was easier. He took the brunt of it. For me.

I hope he lets me do this for him. I know Edison will be perfect for him, just like she’s perfect for me…and Jude.

“I’m not promising anything,” his voice is flat, “but when you get the call, I’ll go and see what I think.”

He opens his mouth to say something more, but before he can, my phone starts ringing. We all share a charged look. When I pull my phone out to see that it’s Club Sin calling, I’m not sure if I’m elated or worried. Maybe both.

It only takes a moment for me to answer the call and find out Edison is there. It’s a whirlwind for us to throw on nicer shirts, get into Coyle’s truck and head across town. He uses it for his construction business, but he’s always been very fastidious about keeping it clean.

I want to argue about me driving, but I can tell he’s barely holding it together. He wants to lay into me. The way he’s gripping the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white, is proof I’ve pushed my brother right to the limit.

He's always been the one in control. He kept us on track and together when our parents died, our father going first from cancer when he was 14 and then mom a few years later. I swear she died from a broken heart. Considering how much she loved dad, and he loved her, it feels completely plausible. She made it just long enough for Coyle to turn 18 and then, she was gone.

If it weren’t for Coyle, I’d probably be dead myself, or in jail. I got into a lot of fucking trouble. I might have done it all with a smile on my face and jokes on my tongue, but everyone knew it was because I was in pain. It was easier to become the clown than submit to my own demons. For a long time, that mask was stuck.

When we arrive, I’m so intent on getting inside Club Sin before someone else takes notice of our woman that I’m hardly paying attention to anything else. The moment we step inside the opulent lounge, full of marble and crystal chandeliers, my eyes find Edison easily.

She’s at the bar, leaning against it while wearing leather pants and a bright fucking pink corset style top. Her hair is up in the two buns I love so fucking much. She looks innocent and sexy. My mouth starts to water because we’re so damn close to making my dream into a reality.

Coyle’s voice breaks through the lust fog I’ve started to descend into, “Is that her?”

Jude’s voice is rough like gravel, “That’s her. That’s Edison.” I look over to take in the look of awe on Coyle’s face, one I’ve never seen there before. “See? Killian wasn’t bullshitting. She’s the one.”

Coyle nods and swallows hard, drinking her in as if he can’t get enough. I know the feeling, very well. I’ve been doing it for months, but we don’t have that kind of time right now. I can see other men checking her out and we’re at a fucking sex club.

Maybe I didn’t think this through all the way.


“Head over to the elevator. Go up to the first floor and find Room Four.” I look up and meet Jude’s eyes. “It’s the one I reserved for us.”

Jude cocks his head to the side and smirks at me. “What are you going to be doing?”

“I’m going to get our girl,” I tell him over my shoulder as I start to make my way over to her, not looking back because I know they’ll do as I’ve asked.

The lure of getting her alone, of giving her what she needs and having what we’re all craving, is too great. Coyle might be the last one to jump on this train, but I know the man. He’s not going to let this opportunity pass him by.

Edison turns just as I slide into the space next to her. When she sees me her eyes light up with recognition even as her eyebrows come together in confusion. Fucking adorable and so damn innocent.

“Killian?” She glances around as if remembering where she is. “What are you doing here?”

As I reach up and brush the tattoo on her shoulder, my tattoo, my mark, with my fingertips, I smile at her. “Hi, little one.” She glances down and bites her lip and I almost let out a groan. I touch her chin and tip her face back up so I can look into her brown eyes. “I’m here for you.”

She squeaks, “For me?”

I nod slowly, unable to look away from her eyes, getting lost in them. I’ve been watching her for so damn long that this almost doesn’t seem real. I know the night is just beginning, but even if this is all I get, it’ll be enough. For now.

“Who do you think invited you here tonight? It wasn’t random, Edison.”

She sucks in a sharp breath, her voice taking on a dreamy quality, “It wasn’t?”

“No. I’m here for you. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since I put my art on you.” Not a lie, but not the complete truth either. “I know it’s unorthodox.” I lean into her and whisper in her ear, “I know what you need. If you’ll let me give it to you, I won’t let you down.”

When I stand at my full height, I hold out my hand to her, hoping that she fucking takes it. I need her to. Hell, at this point, I’d pray for her to. She blinks up at me a few times and I can see the wheels in her mind spinning wildly and then catching, as if she’s slowing down my words and replaying them.

The sweetest little smile lifts her lips right before she slips her hand into mine and I know I’ve got her. She’s still guarded, but I can work with that. We all can.
