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“I think you both should move into my place,” I lay the words down between us and both the guys sit up a little bit more as they look at me. “It’s bigger than here and there’s more security. I also have my office there. If we’re going to do this and get our girl, we need a place, a home, that we’ve already figured out, to bring her to.”

Coyle runs his hand over his head. “I do think she’d be better with definite rather than ambiguous plans.”

“It might help us get her to agree to be with us,” Killian’s voice is thoughtful. “It’ll give her some stability and I fucking hate the building she’s living in now.”

Coyle’s eyebrows shoot up, his words laced with annoyance, “What do you mean?”

I cringe, “It’s not in the best part of town and the security at her place sucks.” I wave my hand in Killian’s direction. “He was able to get in without a problem and slip an invitation under her door. It might have served our purposes, but it also tells you a lot.”

Killian glares at me, but there’s no real heat behind it. I can’t deny that my dick lengthens at the thought of being in the same space as Killian and, hopefully eventually, Edison. I want to give her a home, a place she feels safe, a haven.

Killian rolls his eyes before asking, “Do you have pictures?”

I can’t help but grin and then pull some up on my phone before handing it over. Killian lets out a low whistle and I try not to squirm. I hold my hands up in surrender, “I told you it was bigger.”

“Bigger is not the same thing as a fucking mansion,” he teases before passing the phone over to Coyle whose eyebrows shoot up as he looks through the gallery.

“Yeah,” Coyle muses, “I can work with this.” He looks up at Killian and then back at me. “Let’s do this. I don’t have anything planned for today.”

I’m a little surprised, but also so fucking happy. This is the step we need to take next. Now, we just need to get Edison to stop running and to embrace what we’re offering her.

Piece of cake; note the sarcasm.



You know how you make choices or things happen and they play on a loop in your head, or you can be minding your own business and they just pop in? Yeah, that’s been my life for the last few days since I walked into Club Sin, had the best fucking night of my life with three men, and then ran away as soon as my eyes popped open and realized they were asleep.

My first thought upon waking up was panic because I wasn’t sure where I was, but then it all filtered back in and the ache between my thighs and the remnants of pleasure buzzing through my body brought it all back into crisp focus. So damn focused that I freaked out, slipped my clothes on, and didn’t stop moving until I was back at my place.

I thought I’d let loose, have a good night and experience something new and different. Well, I did those things, but I wasn’t expecting to see Killian or Jude there. That was a shock.

Then there was Coyle. He’s the kind of guy you could lean up against and feel like you’ll never be allowed to fall. He looked at me with his sage green eyes and I got lost in trying to count the hazel flecks. His body is a work of art, all hard planes and solid muscle.

All three men have amazing bodies. And that’s part of the problem. Because they’ve been walking through my imagination for days.

I was overwhelmed and, maybe, possibly, running away wasn’t the right thing to do. Because I’ll be the first to admit being with them was amazing. They made me feel so many things, all of them good. And the orgasms. Holy shit, the orgasms.

They were different from each other in the way they touched me and moved. But all of them being focused on me? It was a fantasy come true I didn’t even know I had.

When I threw one more look over my shoulder before I walked out of the door, I saw how Killian had snuggled up to Jude. It was kind of adorable. The possibilities that one glimpse showed me has been projecting some dirty as fuck images for me to enjoy. Hot images, ones which turn me on.

Is there something wrong with me because I would love to see them kissing or for Jude to shove Killian’s face down onto his cock? Is that too much? I don’t think they touched very much during our night together, but, then again, I was floating on a sea of pleasure and might not have been paying too much attention.

I wouldn’t mind them putting a show on for me. The thought of them together has my thighs clenching and work is not the place to have that kind of problem. Totally inappropriate. I know but tell that to my hussy of a vagina.

I hear the cart before I see it and my back is ramrod straight in response. I’ve been avoiding Jude like I’m a damn superhero with invisible powers. Even the thought of running into him has my stomach flipping.

My head swings wildly from left to right and I only relax slightly when I don’t see him. I know it’s just a matter of time so I stand up to flee, even though I have no idea where I can go to avoid him completely. When I look around one more time to see if the coast is clear, I see him across the lobby of the library.

I lock eyes with him and even though I desperately want to look away, I can’t seem to do it. I’m stuck, my feet like cinderblocks. Not fucking good.

I swallow a whine as Jude heads my way and my mouth goes dry with the intense look on his face. I’m not sure if he’s pissed, turned on or determined. Maybe all three? His nostrils flare when he’s close to me; yeah, I’m going with all three.

The spicy cologne he’s wearing invade my senses and makes me feel a little woozy. Or it could be because I’ve stopped breathing. Probably that. My pussy is fucking throbbing like a damn neon sign directing everyone to hussy-ville.

“Edison,” Jude growls my name under his breath and goosebumps breakout across my entire body. There’s a hint of relief in his voice, but the edge of disappointment cuts through me like a sword, “I’ve missed you, little mouse. You’ve been avoiding me.”
