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I nodded toward the back, “I have something sketched up from your initial contact and what you sent as inspiration. Let’s head back, it shouldn’t take too long today.”

I hated the words as soon as they were out of my mouth because I desperately wanted to keep her around as long as possible. It’s not like I was going to charge her my usual rate. If I thought I could get away with giving her the tattoo for free, I would have, but something in her eyes, a defiance I recognized instantly, told me she wouldn’t accept it. She’d question it. I wasn’t sure if she’d let me get close then, so I bit the inside of my cheek and led her back to my station.

When we stepped into the back, I wished I were alone with her because I didn’t want the other guys working to be able to look at her. Aiden perked up as if there was fresh meat being served, excitement coursing through him the same way it always does when there’s a new person in the shop. Brooks gave her a once over, his eyes curious as he analyzed her. Cameron gave her a glance and then focused back on the client he was working on.

When Edison smiled at them, it took everything in me not to growl at her and tell her not to give her smiles to anyone but me. I’m still not sure how I kept it inside.

As I was showing her the tattoo that I sketched for her, she grabbed my arm, probably not even realizing she was doing it, and gushed, “It’s perfect. Thank you, Killian.”

“My pleasure, little one,” my voice was low, husky, and barely restrained.

When I looked into her brown eyes, I watched how her eyes dilated. I knew right then that she was just as attracted to me as I was to her. I forced it down, wanting to give her what she’d already been waiting far too long for.

I nodded toward her shoulder, “You ready to get it placed? Shoulder, right?”

She nodded. “Yup,” she popped the p and stood in front of me.

When she pulled her tank top and bra strap down her arm, tucking them out of the way, too much and not enough of her milky skin was on display. I wanted to kiss along her shoulder to find out if it made her break out into goosebumps. I focused on getting the tattoo placed, even though my hands were shaking.

I’m not sure how the hell I got through doing her tattoo other than reminding myself I was putting my mark on her. My cock was throbbing the entire time and it was uncomfortable as fuck. I’d gotten in the habit of keeping the chitchat to a minimum while working, but with her, I found myself asking her questions about herself, about her likes. I found everything about her enthralling.

At some point, I prodded her, “Edison is an interesting name.”

She rolled her eyes and deadpanned, “For a girl, right?”

I shrugged one shoulder as I wiped some of the excess ink from her skin. “I didn’t say that, but I’m sure you’ve heard it before.”

She mumbled, “So many times, but I love my name.” She got a dreamy look on her face as her voice dropped to a whisper, “My mom chose my name because she wanted me to have big dreams, ones that would change the world just like Thomas Edison did.”

“I guess it’s better than Tesla,” I teased her.

She giggled and the sound wrapped around my body and my cock started to fucking leak. I was more turned on by her laugh than I’d ever been by anyone else.

I thought I died and went to heaven when she turned the tables and asked me questions about myself, the shop, and my art. Talking shop has always been easy for me, but it was different with her. She listened intently, like everything I was saying really mattered to her. We talked about my tattoos and that led to me asking about her other tattoos.

When she told me she had tattoos on her leg, but that the person who did them moved, I had to sit back on the stool and get myself under control. I didn’t like the idea of another person having their hands or their art on her. The irrational feelings coursing through me were foreign and scary, but I sure as hell couldn’t stop them.

It’s been months since she walked into my shop, and I’ve only become more obsessed with her. I wish she would make another appointment so she’d come in and see me, but it hasn’t happened yet. I’ve had to get my fill of her by following her when I can.

Every day I’m tempted to cancel my appointments just so I can devote more of my life to following my girl, but I know I can’t, not if I want to be able to give Edison the life she deserves. I should be throwing myself into work, but the idea of leaving my girl without a protector makes me feel uneasy.

Getting a glimpse of the tattoo I put on her, even though I know it’s not her only one, still does something to me. I can’t look away until she pulls her sweater back over her shoulder, blocking it from my view. I want to march over there and rip the cardigan she’s wearing off her body so everyone can see the mark I left on her.

I tense up when a man with an employee badge pushing a cleaning cart stops to talk to her. His back is to me, but I can tell he’s muscular and can see some tattoos on his hands. He pushes his hand through his black hair in a nervous gesture and I realize I’ve seen him before. A lot.

Whenever I’m watching my woman, he’s been around. Not just when she’s at work either, even though he clearly works here. What the fuck?

Edison smiles at something he says before giving him a cute little wave and walking away with a stack of books in her arms. When the man turns, he watches her leave with a look on his face I know very fucking well. It’s the same look I’ve seen on my own face when I’ve looked in the mirror.

He’s in love with her. He wants her.

I know, even without asking, he’s been following her too. How did I not notice this sooner? I’ve been following her for months.

Jealousy should be roaring through me at the idea, but the way my cock kicks in my jeans has me taking a deep breath. I don’t know who this guy is, but I sure as fuck am going to find out.

A wild thought bubbles up inside of me—if she’s perfect for me and Coyle, which I know she is, is it possible she’s perfect for this guy too?

