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I nod and give them both pointed looks before I’m out the door and driving over to her place. Do I have a plan? Not really. I think the only thing I can do at this point is to throw myself at her feet and try and explain something which doesn’t really have an explanation.

It doesn’t make any damn sense that the three of us are obsessed with her. It doesn’t make any damn sense that we all fell for her with one look and knew she’s the only one for us. It doesn’t make any damn sense that I will do anything for her including raze the entire city if I found out someone hurt her.

I’m not really mad at Killian and Jude. If I had the opportunity to be that close to our girl, to talk to her, hold her, to watch her sink to her knees for me? I wouldn’t have stopped her. I wouldn’t have done anything other than plead for more.

I’m pissed that she’s still not in our arms, not in our home, not safe and cared for. If she were ready, she wouldn’t have run after we spent the night together. She would have been there when we all woke up. It’s not what happened.

She’s scared and I have no idea why, but I’ll be damned if I don’t get to the bottom of it. Tonight, if she’ll let me.

I don’t stop to take a breath until I’m standing in front of Edison’s door, but then I force myself to take a deep breath. I have to or else I’m going to bulldoze my way over her and that’s not what I want. I want her to choose us; I want her to want us.

When I knock on the door, the sound is loud, and I cringe a little. I take another breath, but it gets caught in my throat when the door is cracked open, and Edison peeks up at me. Her mouth drops open, but she doesn’t slam the door closed like my biggest fears are screaming at me that she’ll do.

No, my pretty girl swings the door open and props her shoulder against the door jam. She eyes me with a mixture of wariness and excitement, “What are you doing here Coyle?”

“Can I come in?” I feel like I’m holding my hat in my hand, begging for crumbs. “I’m just here to talk to you, Edison, and make sure you’re okay.”

She lets out a little sigh of resignation before stepping back and motioning for me to enter her apartment. The moment I step into the small space, I fight myself to not throw her over my shoulder and carry her back home. I clench my fists to stop myself from acting on impulse.

“Killian and Jude are beating themselves up about what happened,” I keep my voice soft and secretly love the way her cheeks pink. “I’d love to tell you they’re sorry, but I know they really aren’t. We were all devastated to wake up the other morning and find you gone.” She opens her mouth, but I hold my hand up to stop her. “We understand you needed a little time and space.”

“It was just one night, I’m not sure why you would think I would be there in the morning,” her tone is full of sass and embers.

I scoff and shake my head slowly when her eyes come up and meet mine. “You and I both know that’s bullshit, pretty girl. If you need to lie to yourself, that’s one thing, but I won’t have you lying to me.”

She narrows her eyes at me, and I close the distance between us without even realizing it. My arm shoots out and wraps around her waist, pulling her against my chest, loving the way she’s so much smaller than me. I tower over her, it makes me feel powerful, but at the same time I know she’s the one with all the power.

The power to destroy. The power to give us our deepest desires. The power to grant us grace. The power to shower us with love.

“It wasn’t just one night,” My voice is firm. “We want forever,” I whisper the words, giving them the reverence that they deserve. She blinks up at me with wide eyes as she processes, I don’t want her mind spinning, so I power on. “It doesn’t have to make sense, but it’s true. It’s why they’ve been obsessed with you and have been keeping an eye on you. They wanted to protect you and make sure you were safe.”

She nods slowly and licks her lips. “I like it,” her admittance is quiet, but loud with honesty.

I don’t think, I don’t lay more pretty words at her feet. I kiss her, pressing my lips to hers softly until they part and I sweep my tongue inside, tasting her sweetness, swallowing her little moans. When I pick her up, her legs wrap around my waist and her sweet pussy grinds against the hard bulge of my cock.

I carry her to her bedroom and lay her down on the bed. “I know it’s a lot, pretty girl,” between the words I undress her, pressing kisses to her exposed skin. “You might be trying to tell yourself it’s too much or question why. Don’t,” I bark out the word, commanding her.

When my tongue circles one of her hard pink nipples, she arches her back and moans, “Coyle.”

I hum against her skin, my lips moving to her other round globe before sucking her nipple into my mouth and nipping at it. She gasps as her hips move restlessly. I stand just long enough to undress myself and grab a condom out of my pocket as I take in the flushed skin of my woman laid out for me.

“So damn beautiful. Such a good girl for me, for us.”

My words of praise wash over her and her eyes flutter closed as she takes them in. “Please, more,” she pleads. I don’t cover her body with mine, not yet. When her eyes open and she looks into mine, I feel fucking feral, the need to take her riding me hard. “I need you; I haven’t stopped thinking about the other night. I was scared.”

Planting kisses along her legs, I start working my way up her body slowly, savoring every inch of her. I murmur against her skin, “One day you’ll tell us why you were scared. One day when you’ve fully accepted that we’re here for you, that we exist for you, and we aren’t going anywhere.”

She swallows hard and her gorgeous brown eyes become glassy with unshed tears. I don’t let her dwell in her darkness and take her mouth in a punishing kiss, my cock pressing against her hip as my fingers slide between the lips of her pussy, feeling how wet she is for me.

I tap her clit, loving the way her body responds to me and only wishing Jude and Killian were here with me to watch her. I tease her opening, not pushing a finger in until her hips start to move, trying to get me to do what her body is begging me for.

“Coyle,” she whines, “why are you teasing me?”

I look into her eyes and circle her clit before sliding two fingers on either side, riling her up higher and higher. “I need you to admit it, Edison. Admit what you want.” Her lips part as she sucks in a long breath. “Not just right now, but tomorrow and for the rest of your life. Tell me,” my control is fraying, and the words come out as a growl.

“I want you, all of you,” her voice is a breathless whisper, and her eyes widen as if she’s surprised she said it.

“Good girl,” I groan.
