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Coyle stands up, jostling our girl slightly before he reaches down, picks her up, and slings her over his shoulder. She giggles as he stalks deeper into the house, Killian and I right on his heels; I know right where he’s going. His steps falter when she spanks his ass. I share a look with Killian and walk a little faster, not wanting to be left out.

Coyle lets Edison slide down his body when we’re in the primary bedroom, the one room we didn’t show her earlier. She looks around and then her eyes settle on the giant bed that dominates the room. It’s big enough for all of us; it’s fucking perfect.

“I made the frame,” Coyle tells her softly. “I just finished it today. I didn’t know it was just in time, but we wanted to be prepared.”

Edison’s hand glides over the curve at the foot of the bed, the wood beautifully designed and intricately carved. “You made this?”

Coyle nods slowly, all our attention on our center, our north star, our girl, as she starts to strip off her clothes. She gives us a cheeky smile and we all groan.

“Well, I think we should christen it, don’t you?”

Fuck, yes.

When we pounce, we don’t hold anything back, showering her in praise and pleasure until we all pass out and spend the first night together in our bed, in our home, with our girl in our arms.

It’s fucking perfect and I wouldn’t have it any other way.



Aiden jeers from the other side of the room, “Are you going to tell us where you go when you disappear or what?”

I look at him for a long time, contemplating what I should say. Aiden, Camden, and Brooks have been with me almost from the start. We built Misfit Tattoos on the backs of our talent with long hours and a brotherhood more than a boss-employee relationship. I wouldn’t have been able to spend so much time away without them.

Now that we’re in a good place, it’s like we’re living the dream. I know now, looking back, the dream was always a little hollow. It was a way for me to fill a void I didn’t even realize was there. Edison has filled the void. She’s done it for months without even knowing it and now she’s ours.

She hasn’t gone back to her apartment for the last two weeks. Instead, we’ve been sleeping in the big bed at home. Knowing she still has stuff at her place, and isn’t entirely moved in, burns.

I don’t like it and I’m not the only one. It’s going to become a thing soon. I have no doubt that Coyle is the one who’s going to bring it up. He’s all about moving this relationship forward, making it more permanent, and ensuring Edison never has a doubt in her mind about her place with us.

“I’ve been seeing a girl,” I begrudgingly offer Aiden who gets a Cheshire cat grin on his face.

“I knew it,” he exclaims. He points to Cameron and Brooks. “You owe me.”

Jessa snorts from where she’s leaning against the reception desk. The whole tattoo shop is open from the front door to the two private rooms in the back for clients that need more privacy for a tattoo or piercing. She shakes her head at Aiden and shoots me a smirk.

“It was obvious it was about a girl.” She rolls her eyes and reminds him, “It’s why no one took the bet.”

“Fine,” Aiden lets out a long, exasperated sigh. His voice is begrudging, “There wasn’t really a bet.”

Brooks looks at me, assessing me, trying to uncover the rest of it. “Are you going to tell us who?”

I shoot back, too quickly, “Does it matter?”

“It’s a client,” Cameron’s voice is cool and smooth, but quiet.

He’s always been the one to keep to himself more, even after we’ve known each other for years. He’s contained and quiet. If you were to look up brooding intensity, Cameron would be it.

Aiden crows when my jaw clenches, “Oh my God, it is.”

He’s laughing so hard he almost falls off his stool, the sketch he was working on long forgotten. Jessa’s eyebrows shoot up to her hairline as she gives me an assessing look, as if she’s putting the puzzle pieces together. When her eyes light up, I know she’s connected the dots, but, to her credit, she doesn’t say anything.

That’s for the best.

Aiden pushes, “Who is it?” He rubs his jaw. “Was it that little dime piece who came in a few weeks ago? The one with the purple hair and that ass?”

I scrunch up my face because I remember the client he’s talking about, but not for the reasons he thinks. She was all over me, trying to get me to take her home after I finished her tattoo. The thing she never knew and wouldn’t understand is I haven’t looked twice at a woman since Edison walked into my shop and turned my entire fucking world upside down.
