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You deserve it.

Can be redeemed at any time.

It’s the only thing printed on the inside, but I take a moment and read over the rules of Club Sin on the back. I look at the envelope again to double check there’s no indication of who sent this. A little voice whispers inside my head that I shouldn’t take an invitation to a sex club from an unknown person.

The louder voice inside of me is screaming at me to go and check it out.

When am I going to get the chance again? It’s high end and not sleazy. The rules give me a certain level of comfort. How much danger could I be in?

When was the last time I did something just for me? Put myself and my pleasure first?

It might be completely out of character, but I’m curious.

Maybe it’ll be fun. A little praise never hurt anyone.


Now, what does one were to a sex club?



I’ll admit my plan is half-cocked, at best. I’m just tired of waiting and if I continue to do it much longer, the obsession I have for Edison is going to grow until I can’t control it. I’ve played defense for too long on this, now it’s time to go on offense and make something happen.

It’s why I slid the envelope under her door. I’ve set it up so that when she uses the invitation, I’ll be notified immediately. Club Sin was recommended to me by Cy, figuring I could go there and have a good time. I’m using it to lure our girl to a night of passion. I just have to get everyone on board first.

I would be shocked if she uses it tonight, but, if she does, I need to be ready. Which is why I called Coyle for a family meeting and he’s eyeing me warily.

When the doorbell rings, I jump up quickly and Coyle arches an eyebrow at me in question. Okay, so maybe I have another reason to be jumpy as fuck tonight and he’s on the other side of the front door right now. Knowing Jude’s obsession with my girl, I couldn’t leave him out.

Then there’s the attraction I have for him, even if we haven’t explored it yet.

My skin feels electrified as I yank the door open and take in the man standing in front of me. He gives me a lopsided smile as he teases me, “I talked to her today.”

“I know, I saw,” I grumble as I turn away, heading back to where Coyle is waiting so we can commence with this conversation.

I have no doubt it will turn into a lecture from my older, and he thinks wiser, brother. I can’t wait.

Jude grabs me by my shoulder and spins me back around to him before pulling me close. He slams his lips down on mine and my hands come up and grip his waist as I kiss him back with the same intensity. Our attraction is magnified by need for our girl. I’m okay with it.

He nips at my bottom lip before he plunges his tongue into my mouth. I step closer to him, our bodies aligned, and I feel his cock jerk as he rocks his hips against mine. When he pulls back from me, there’s something new in his eyes tonight I didn’t see when I met him a few days ago. Hope.

“Think of it as a consolation prize since I got to talk to her while you’ve been lurking in the shadows.”

“I don’t think you’re clear on what the definition of consolation is,” I lob back at him, making the smirk on his face grow into a smile.

Damn, he’s sexy. I can’t wait to watch him fuck Edison and make her scream.

I hear Coyle yell from the kitchen, “Who’s at the door?”

“Come on, Jude,” I murmur. “It’s time to put my plan into motion.”

“You have a plan?”

I don’t answer as I walk back to the kitchen, knowing he’s following me. I do have one. Is it a good one? That remains to be seen. Considering I’ve already set things in motion, I sure as fuck hope it is.

I enter the kitchen and head straight to the fridge to grab three beers. I nod at my brother. “Coyle, this is Jude. Jude, this is my brother, Coyle.”
