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“I gave you five minutes.”

The hand resting over his stomach inches lower, and I pause. “Maybe I want to watch.”

Devin curses, heat hot enough to burn me, shooting from his gaze as he falls back to the bed. “I need you. Please get in this bed.”

He’s right. I’ll need and want him like the air I breathe until death and probably long after.

“Oh, Mr. Impatient.” I crawl up his body, one hand dragging along his skin as I go. “I am so in love with you.”

Surrendering to my searching hands, Devin sighs and strokes my side. “Feeling is mutual, Spitfire.”

* * *

Finding Devin sprawled on my couch with the TV on is a comforting sight, so natural, like this is how it always should’ve been. A lazy grin spans his face as he sits up and rests his arm along the back, inviting me in.

“I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t difficult staying at work knowing you were here waiting for me.” I step out of one black stiletto, shifting to pull off the other.

When I reach the couch, Devin pulls me onto his lap. “And I’d be lying if I said I didn’t spend half the day trying to come up with an excuse to meet with my agent so I could see you.”

I almost tell him he doesn’t need an excuse to come see me, but maybe he’s right. I’m not sure how to handle dating one of the players with the agency yet.

“This whole business woman getup is so hot.” His hand glides the length of my thigh over my cream and black pencil skirt. “Those heels are my biggest weakness. That day you showed up at the hotel, a war raged in my head. You stood there all confident and polished, a badass ready to take charge of a boardroom.”

I laugh. “I’ll tell you right now, I didn’t feel like much of a badass. I took one look at Palmer and felt very inferior.”

“Palmer’s a badass in her own way, but she’s not the woman I was in awe of that day. I’m so proud of you for taking charge of your life and doing what you are passionate about.” His eyes rove around my face. “God, how did I manage to land you?”

“Must be my superior list-making skills.”

“That’s it. That’s the one.”

I chuckle. “Smells good in here. What did you make?”

“I’ve got some chicken enchiladas in the oven.”

My head tilts with a charmed turn of my lips. “I’ll be honest. I didn’t take you for a chef, but I’m not mad about it.”

He hauls me closer, pressing a couple kisses to my lips. “I’m no chef, but I follow the right cooks on social media. One can only eat out so many times, especially when my career hinges on my health and fitness.”

“Well, I don’t expect you to cook, so don’t do it on my account. I can make something when I get home, too.”

“I don’t mind.” Devin shrugs. “I like taking care of you, and it gives me something to do besides working out and playing video games with the guys. You’d be amazed at how much time we spend on game days killing time in the clubhouse with games.”

“Speaking of killing time. We were a little preoccupied in Alaska, so we didn’t touch on a lot of things. What are your plans now?”

“I started looking for a place today. Nothing promising came up, but I’m going to talk to a real estate agent tomorrow. See if I can’t get some extra help. She’s a former player’s wife who is used to helping guys find long-term rentals or easily flipped property since our lifestyle and living needs aren’t exactly normal.” His stare falls to his hand still running the length of my thigh before rising to meet my eyes. “But I wanted to pass something by you.”

“Okay,” I draw out the four letters.

“What do you think about living together?”

My chest tightens. With what, I can’t decide yet.

“I know it’s fast. I’m not going to pretend it’s not, but when I thought about moving somewhere where we don’t get to come home to each other, I just thought… We’ve spent so many years apart, and I don’t want to spend any more time not taking what I want.”

“No, I get it.” But I’m still not sure it’s the right move for us yet. The only time we’ve ever spent any real time together has been on vacations and trips. It’s easy to get swept away in romance and newness. Though sharing all our spare moments together does sound amazing, especially with my long hours and his rigorous baseball schedule once the season starts. I mean, we still don’t even know if he’ll make the starting roster. He has to. He just does.

“Think about it.” He brushes a strand of hair from my face. “I don’t need an answer now. I won’t stop looking for a place. If you think it’s too much too soon, I don’t want to push you. I just want you to know where my head is.”
