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Devin’s laugh is a murmur against my shoulder, and I melt into him.

“Um, hello?”

Oh! Lifting my hand from where I left my cousin lingering with a view of the ceiling, I shove my rear into Dev in an attempt to move him. He doesn’t budge. “Sorry, Mari. My guy attacked me.”

Her pale eyes grow wide when Devin moves into the screen. Well, not Devin’s face because he’s half a foot taller than me, but his shoulders and chest.

“What the hell, Dev. You’re naked.” Mari’s view is tipped back to the ceiling as I spin on him.

His brow furrows. “Not naked, I have a towel.”

Mari’s laughter fills my kitchen. “Hi, Devin. I’m—”

Dev snatches my phone. “Mari, the therapist, according to Leo. It’s nice to officially meet you.”

“And you. I don’t know if Nova’s told you, but I’m a huge baseball fan and—”

“Marjatta Holmström!” I yank Devin’s arm down to see my cousin’s face. “Don’t you dare flirt with my man.” She flashes me a guilty smile.

“He’s leaving the room now.” I shove against his rock-hard abs, giving him my best dirty look when he still doesn’t budge.

“Fine, I’m leaving now.” Dev cups the back of my head and presses his lips to my ear. “I’m giving you five minutes, then I’m starting by myself.” I gasp as he pinches my rear, making me drop my arm—and Mari—to my side.

Her groan reaches my ears. “Motion sickness.”

I can’t find it in me to care as my guy saunters across the condo, calling, “Later, Mari,” over his shoulder as he drops his towel at my bedroom door.


“Dammit.” I flip the phone and bring her back to my face. “Tell me you did not see his ass.”

“Okay, I did not see his very fine ass.” She giggles, glancing at either side of her.

“Mari?” Heat flames my cheeks from embarrassment or jealousy? I’m unsure. “I thought you were alone.”

“I was until three minutes ago.”

I can’t see who’s on either side of her at the gym, but whoever they are, they apparently just got a glimpse of Devin’s backside. “Okay, I need to go.”

“So I heard. You have five minutes.”

“Oh, my gosh.” I slap my palm over my face, dying inside. “Mar, that’s my future husband. You better not fantasize about him. I know where you live.”

Mari merely laughs, so I hang up. Leaving my phone on the counter in case she tries to call back, I head for my bedroom and exhibitionist boyfriend.

“You just mooned my cousin and two of her gym friends. I hope you’re…” Words die at the present awaiting me sprawled across my queen-sized mattress on his side.

“Happy?” He finishes, the corner of his mouth tugging up. “I’m about to be once you join me.”

My gaze feasts on the muscles I haven’t seen since early this morning. “I have to go into the office in the morning.”

“Then you better get over here.”

Anticipation has every nerve in my body primed as I walk to him. “Think this will ever get old?”

“Only when I’m dead.” He leans up, supporting himself on his palm. “Strip, Miss Pratt.”

Holding his stare, I hook my fingers at the hem of my tank top and slide it up, deliberately taking my sweet time.
