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As I pull her chair out, my lips graze her ear, and a shiver runs through her. “We’re gonna have to work on our pet names if we’re going to pull this off.”

Settling next to the railing, Nova laughs. “What have you called your girlfriends in the past?”

“Couldn’t tell you.”

“You never gave them pet names?”

I scoot in beside her. “Never had a girlfriend.”

Nova leans away. “You’re joking.”

Sucking on my teeth, I shrug. “Girlfriends aren’t my thing.”

“You’re serious.” As if a lightbulb goes off, Nova’s eyes swell. “Oh. You’re one ofthoseguys. Only with a girl for agood time, and then you move on to the next.”

“Are you calling me a player?”

“Maybe not a player, but a tease.”

“Can a guy even be a tease?”

“You know what I mean, Charmer.”

“It’s not being a tease. It’s called not giving false hope. Everyone knows I don’t do relationships.”

“Right, sure. You’re honest up front, but I bet you flirt and charm the girls, leaving broken hearts in your wake. That explains so much about you.”

I push my chair from the table, a prickle of discomfort trailing my spine. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Shhh…” Nova’s attention darts over my shoulder. “We have company.”

A couple not much older than us stands at the head of the table set for four. “Are these seats taken?”

“Go right ahead.” I drape my arm over the back of Nova’s chair, and she leans in, playing the part.

The brunette with a tight bun smiles as she sits. “I’m Diana, and this is Aaron.”

“Nice to meet you guys. I’m Nova.” Her thumb points to me. “This is my boyfriend, Devin.”

The blond guy lifts a stiff wave as his girl says, “We were worried there wouldn’t be anyone our age on this dinner cruise, and we’d be stuck at a table with some couple celebrating their fiftieth wedding anniversary.” She chuckles. “Not that there’s anything wrong with hanging with the older crowd, it’s just not what we had in mind for this weekend.”

I loop my arm around Nova’s neck, cupping her shoulder. “You guys celebrating something?”

Diana flashes an almost smile. “Sort of. Aaron’s being stationed in Virginia.”

“Yeah, this is our last weekend together,” he finishes.

“For now.” She taps his chest with her palm. “I’m moving there in October, right?”

Aaron’s face softens, and I’m struck by how their conversation flows. It’s like one person tells their story, though there are two. They finish each other’s sentences without a struggle.

Diana spares us a glance. “How long have you two been together?”

In unison, we say, “A year,” and laugh. God, we sound rehearsed.

“How about you guys?” Nova diverts the attention from us.

“Two.” They share a love-sick gaze before meeting for a too-long-for-public kiss. Long enough for Nova and I to share an undetected look of amused discomfort.
