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As they break apart, Diana covers her giggle. “Sorry. It’ll be the first time we’ve been apart this long, and the prospect is making us a little needy.”

Something tells me these two aren’t shy of PDA, parting or not.

“We totally get it.” Nova swats the air. “We’re going to colleges two hours apart.”

“Only two hours? Oh, you guys can handle that.”

Like these strangers know anything about us.“We’ve actually decided to end things. Long distance isn’t for us.” I peer at Nova with a sad smile. “We’re driving cross country together as our last hurrah.” Add a bit of truth, making the lie more believable.

“Are you serious?” Diana’s hand smacks over her heart.

“Yeah.” Nova mellows. “We’re in a good place and don’t want the inevitable arguments to ruin what we have. The we-never-have-time-for-each-other-anymore arguments. You’re always so busy with your new friends, with school.”

I bounce off of her, “You never visit me.”

“Who are you hanging out with now?”

“Why don’t we talk anymore?”

The couple glances at each other like they’ve never thought of these things.

“We don’t want to be that couple.” Nova’s eyes have a different softness as our stares hold, and like thick molasses, something swells, pulling us together.

Chewing on my bottom lip, I murmur, “Never us.”

At that moment, Nova’s breath fans across my face, and I realize how close we’ve drifted. I clear my throat and pull away. “But good luck to you two. I’m sure you guys will make it work, especially since you’ve already planned the move.”

Aaron and Diana nod, shifting closer, but their smiles dim.

“Yeah, sorry.” Nova rests her elbows on the table, out of my hold. “I didn’t mean to insinuate that every long-distance couple grows apart. Distance just isn’t for us.”

“Truth be told, I’d have kicked Nova to the curb long ago, but she’s so clingy.”

Without looking back, she reaches behind her and shoves me. “See what I mean? We’re not long-term material.”

Diana’s head tilts. “You guys are so relaxed about breaking up.”

“Or just in denial.” I can’t explain why, but I anchor my arm around Nova again, drawing her chair to mine and bringing her against my chest.

It’s because we’re supposed to be madly in love, not because I like her softness in my arms.

“You guys are an adorable couple.” Diana rests her cheek on her palm. “If that’s any consolation.”

“It’s funny you say that.” Nova pats my chest. “We were voted cutest couple at the beginning of our senior year.”

“And yet, you’re not going to stay together?”

Nova’s head cocks with a soft laugh. “Just because you’re cute together doesn’t mean long-lasting happiness, and it’s not that there aren’t still feelings between—” Uncertain eyes flit my way as she breaks off. She clears her throat and changes course. “You guys don’t have any doubts?”

Diana glances at Aaron, and his hold cinches tighter around her. “We’ve talked about the hardships that might come our way, but we’re going to make it work.”

Aaron kisses the top of her head. “That’s what relationships are. Hard work. You don’t give up just because of unforeseeable complications.”

My teeth grind, and I try to relax, but his words hit a nerve. “It’s nice you guys have it all figured out at our age. That’s rare.”

“I wouldn’t say we have itallfigured out. Diana’s worried about me being in the Navy and the sacrifices. Unfortunately, the military comes first, and the mental stress and toll it can take could be brutal.”

“You’re a brave woman.” Nova stares at the tip of her fingernail, tracing circles on the tablecloth. “Braver than me. In Virginia without family, never knowing consistency in his schedule.”
