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Way to give me whiplash.Damn you, Devin Hawthorne. Why does he push me away just to make comments that send my heart and libido into overdrive?

It takes every lesson Dad taught on thwarting a guy’s sweet talk and standing my ground when it comes to my heart to school my features and make it through our meal unaffected. He doesn’t get to have that kind of control over me. Speaking of…

“So, my dad called this morning after seeing that comment you made to Willa.” He smirks, clearly proud of himself as we walk back to the car. “I don’t mind you antagonizing my ex, but my dad? Really?”

“Obviously, I didn’t expect him to see it. Did he threaten to kick my ass?”

“He actually did.” And to bring Uncle Cole and Olle with him. “But when I told him you were trying to piss Logan off, he said he’d take you to dinner when you two meet.”

My irritation with Devin’s behavior cools at his shout of laughter. “Apparently, you have a new fan, Hotshot.”

If there’s one thing Dad is irrational over, it’s protecting his family. Logan lost any chance at ever being on Brett Pratt’s good side the day he allowed our breakup video to be shared. By sticking up for me, Devin gained it.

Our next stop is Coeur d’Alene, for no other reason than I heard it’s one of the prettiest cities in Idaho, where all the celebrities go and some live. Rumor has it Matthew McConaughey and George Clooney have houses by the lake. And Justin Bieber vacationed there earlier this summer. Who knows? Maybe we’ll get lucky with a sighting.

I’ve taken over the driving today. I want full song choice authority, and I need to drown out the fact that I’m stuck with Devin for at least three or four more days. He’s rejected me not once, not twice, but three times. Maybe they haven’t all been vocal rejections, but a girl can only take so much, especially since my heart still aches from Logan’s betrayal.

From two lanes to three, then four, I cruise down the fast lane as we near Coeur d’Alene city limits. Being in the eighties today, I kept the top up, my current hip-hop remix blaring as I belt my heart out like I’m the only one here. Another car slowly creeps into my lane, but he’s not in front of me. He’s changing lanes right beside me. With no foresight to honk, I slam on my brakes to keep from being side-swiped and the trunk of my car fishtails.


I turn the wheel one way, then the other, trying to gain control and not slam into the cement barrier to my left, but my car has other plans. Weighted to my seat by a brace, the rear flies out, yanked across the interstate. Round and round we spin, neither of us making a sound like shock and terror paralyze our vocal cords.

They say your life flashes before your eyes before you die, a film of memories. Not for me. I see nothing but my death as the tail end of my car spirals across three lanes of traffic headed right toward us. Eyes trained to my left, all I see is the end, a fleet of bumpers and grills as our demise.

I don’t know how, I don’t know why, but one second we’re flying sideways, and the next, we’re in the median of a random exit, facing forward.What just happened?

White-knuckling the steering wheel, I struggle to catch my breath. A grip like an anchor on my thigh squeezes. I can’t say when Devin grabbed me, but he holds firm.

“Are you okay?”

I nod, but nothing falls from my dropped jaw. I don’t even know why I’m nodding. I’m alive, but I’m not okay. I’m not okay at all.

“Nova?” Devin’s palm leaves my thigh and forms to the side of my head, stroking my hair.

I thought I was nodding, but I’m not. My head shakes, tears coating my eyes as I peer over to the passenger side. Devin blurs as he leans over the console, unlatching my locked seatbelt before his other hand takes the side of my face.

“The car just kept coming. I didn’t know what to do.” Tears pour over, a deluge on my cheeks. “The debris and the gravel, I couldn’t gain control.”

“I know. It wasn’t your fault. It’s okay.”

Trembling takes over my limbs, and I can’t stop. “We could’ve died.”

“C’mere.” Devin latches onto my bicep, yanking, and hooks his other arm around my waist, hauling me into his lap. “We’re okay. Deep breaths.”

I loop my arms around his neck, clinging, adhering my chest to his, my face buried in his neck. “I’m so sorry. He came out of nowhere. He didn’t even see us, didn’t bother stopping. He probably doesn’t even realize he almost killed us.”

“I know, but we’re safe, Nova. Just breathe.”

I try, hiccuping, gasping. Inhale in and out, I attempt to sync my breathing with Devin as he takes full breaths. His heart beats just as hard. Plastered to my sweat-dampened back, his hands run up and down. Not soft or measured, yet still tender and reassuring.

I have no concept of how much time passes in Devin’s arms before he asks, “Do you want me to drive?”

My lungs have mostly regulated, my heart calming. I nod, wiping my wet cheeks.

“Okay.” Devin opens the passenger side door and slips out from beneath me. “I’ll come around. Buckle up.”

After easing back on the interstate, he reaches across and grips my fidgeting hands, lacing one with his and doesn’t let go. I should pull away, make him use both hands on the wheel, but there’s security holding his hand. It doesn’t matter how cautiously he drives, I startle at every car that switches lanes or travels beside us.
