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Devin pumps my hand, and I release my death drip on his fingers.

“Close your eyes,” he says. “Ignore the road. We’re not in a car. You’re anywhere else. Anywhere that would make you feel safe.”

Breathing through my nose, I nod, doing as he says, and try to silence our surroundings. Anywhere else. Comfort. Peace. I’m at home, lounging on the couch beside Dad, watchingRudy. His low rumble of laughter fills my mind, enfolding my heart in a fuzzy blanket.


Keeping my eyes shut, I say, “Yeah.”

“Good.” His thumb strokes my hand. “We’re off the freeway.”

I take in the busy intersection we’re stopped at. “I don’t think I can get back on the road today. Maybe we should look for a hotel.”

“Whatever you want, boss.”

Except, every hotel we try is booked. Not a single room. Some downtown street fair is happening all weekend, and the vendors and vacationers have taken up every available room. We even brave a couple sketchy motels, but no such luck. It’s not until we decide to take a chance on a little boutique hotel which will probably cost us more than we’ve spent on a single night so far, that we find a suite—with one bed.

Devin angles toward me with his arm on the counter. “We can get back on the road. I’m happy to drive if you want me to. Head a couple cities over, so we don’t have to go far.”

The mere thought sends panic straight through me. “No, no. I’m not ready. I can’t yet.” It was difficult enough cruising through Coeur d’Alene looking for a vacancy. “We’ll just have to make it work.”

“That’s fine. No problem.” Devin rubs my arm. “I can take the floor or couch or whatever. No big deal, Nova.”

It’s only two o’clock and check-in isn’t until four, so we venture out on foot. Downtown is like one giant outdoor mall. There must be over a hundred boutiques to explore. From shop to shop, Devin doesn’t make a single complaint. We even take advantage of the street fair, browsing the arts and crafts tents before stopping for gelato. Devin deserves a reward for keeping his usual tormenting self in check.

Almost every street leads us to the surrounding lake with the pine-tree mountains as a picturesque backdrop. Devin reaches for me with every car horn or tire squeal: my hand, my back, my arm. He makes his awareness of my nerves known, and it’s the only reason I don’t jump out of my skin at every turn.

To get off our feet and away from the streets, we treat ourselves to another boat cruise on Lake Coeur d’Alene, taking in the stunning views and lake houses along the shore. Dreamy. All of it. I understand exactly why celebrities purchase homes here.

The cruise takes us about an hour and half, and being the last cruise of the day, by the time we’re done, we’re starving for dinner.

“I’d settle for fast food at this point.” Devin places a hand over his growling stomach.

“Wow, is that desperation on your face? We didn’t stop here to eat McDonalds. I’ll find us something good.”

And I do. Discovering a wood-fired grilled pizza place right on the water, we gorge ourselves on carbs and cheese, and it’s the best decision we’ve made this entire trip. To walk off the heavy meal, we spend another hour strolling the streets of downtown before returning to the hotel as the August sun sets.

Once inside our room, we find the only place to sit are two firm leather wingback chairs in a small alcove. No couch. And carpet is nonexistent. Only area rugs on hardwood floors. And because this isn’t some well-known chain hotel, they don’t supply cots

“Okay,” I say, dropping my bag at the foot of the king-sized bed. “You’re not sleeping on the floor.”

“I’ve roughed it camping growing up. I think I can handle a wood floor.”

“It doesn’t mean you should. Besides, didn’t you tell me you camped in your backyard and usually abandoned the tent for your bedroom midway through the night?” Devin’s mouth sinks into a boyishly charming pout. “You can pretend that near accident didn’t ruffle you the way it did me, but I know it did. You’re not sleeping on the ground after something so nerve-wracking. Not to mention the hours and miles we walked. You deserve the comfort of a bed, too. It’s a king mattress. We’ll have plenty of space between us. I promise not to tarnish your honor.”

Devin sets his duffle on the desk in the corner of the room, mumbling, “Little late for that, Dimples.”

After showering and getting ready for bed it’s only a little after nine, but it’s safe to say today has taken a toll and we’re dead on our feet.

While Devin’s finishing up in the bathroom, I crawl under the covers and scroll my social media feed. Something that normally causes FOMO, does nothing but remind me why I’m happy to go across the country for school. Logan’s shirtless selfie pulls an eye roll from me. A shot of Julia and our girlfriends in bikinis at Brenden’s pool party coils my chest. I should’ve unfollowed her months ago, but for some stupid reason, I still want to know what’s going on in her life.

“Why the sour face?” Devin strips his shirt and tosses it on his bag before walking to his side of the bed.

I didn’t think this one through. Shirtless Devin wasn’t supposed to be in my bed. T-shirt and exercise shorts Devin was, but I don’t know why that’s what I assumed. He’s yet to sleep in a shirt on this trip.

My focus returns to my phone. “Just debating unfollowing Julia.”

“You haven’t done that yet? Isn’t that like the first rule of girl code when betrayed? Unfriend and unfollow.” Tossing back the comforter, he slides in.
