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“True, but only one is for asking forgiveness.” It’s hotter than hades in here, but goosebumps raise on the curve of Nova’s neck. “Let’s dance.”

Squaring her shoulders, Nova twists her head. “I don’t think that’s wise.” Her lips are so close I taste the alcohol wafting off her breath.Rum.

“Oh, c’mon, Spitfire. Just—”

She spins entirely, brushing against me, her chest heaving. “Don’t call me that.”

“Because it’s not accurate?” I tease, and she doesn’t smile. “One dance, Nova. Please?” I ask above the music. “Give this sinner respite.”

I see rather than hear her lips form one word. “Fine.”

My hand settles on her spine’s lower curve, her heat soaking through the material as I lead her to the edge of the crowded floor. The house music contains a little more Latin flair than the clubs I’ve been to. The current song has low, slow beats beneath the electronic dance mix, which urges bodies to rock against each other. I fully expect Nova to dance to the faster beat overlaying the slower one, but instead, she turns into my waiting arms. As she rests one arm over my shoulder, she allows my hands to settle low on her waist, tugging her close until our hips and thighs are aligned. She feels so incredibly right in my arms.

My fingers flex as I stare. Even in heels she’s several inches shorter, offering me a perfect view of the swells of her breasts, rising and falling with each breath. She’s not the girl she was when we met five years ago, just as I’m not that cocky boy who had a wealth of secrets and no idea how to handle my life. I want a do-over. I want to walk up to her in that chapel on Notre Dame’s campus and meet her knowing what I know now.But what would be different, Devin?


I’d do everything after our night together in Oregon differently.Which is a scary thought because what if we were still in this place? This place where she’s staring off to the right, silent? A year ago, I stole her away from her wedding. I left our trip thinking we had a future. And here we live in the same city and don’t even speak.

The tension is as thick as an iceberg. I want to take a sledgehammer to it. “Are you here with anyone?”

Her gaze flicks up, meeting mine before she looks at the other dancers. “I am. Does that matter to you?”

“Considering you’re standing in my arms right now, I would say it matters.”

Her head knocks back with a caustic laugh. “Well, that’s just priceless. Devin Hawthorne is concerned he might upset my date. Speaking of, what the hell are you doing here with all those women draped over you like you’re God. Where’syourdate? Where’s Palmer? Would she be bothered you’re dancing with me right now?”

That’s not something I have to consider the answer to.

“Seriously, Devin. You’re a local, if not national, celebrity. You don’t think your face is going to show up in some of these women’s posts tomorrow?” She moves closer with each accusation. “The way you smiled at them, the way you touched them.”

Even as people continue dancing around us, I slow. “Hold up. I didn’t touch a single woman tonight in a way that wasn’t appropriate, and I certainly didn’t smile as an invitation. I smiled to be polite. Nothing more.”

“Is that how Palmer will see it? Knowing her man is hanging out with flawless models.”

“Like you care what Palmer thinks.” Frustrated, I ease her away from my body. “Like you care about me at all.”

Her arm drops from my shoulder, stare narrowing. “I ran out on my wedding for you, Devin. What else do you need from me to show you I care?”

Snorting, my focus diverts across the horde of dancers. “Do you know when I decided to try again with Palmer?” Working my jaw, I release a deep breath. “It was after you never returned my last text. I told you I was afraid I’d never stop wanting you, and you said nothing.”

“You’re serious. After one unanswered text. What was I supposed to say? You were the one who wanted to cut off our communication on New Year’s Day. Not me. I told you I needed time, not distance.” Nostrils flaring, her teeth clench, tears welling in her eyes. “I crashed and burned when I got home from New Orleans, Dev. I hit rock bottom.”

“What are you talking about? You never said a word.”

“Because there was nothing you could do. Don’t you get it?” Shouting, her arms fling out to the side. “Even though I had no regrets, I broke a lot of hearts the day I left Anders.”

“He treated you like crap, Nov—”

“It doesn’t matter.” Her eyes close, a tear falling. “I mean, it does. Of course, it does, but at the same time, I loved his family. His sister was one of my best friends. I lovedhim. And I ran off to New Orleans for four nights without a care. We acted like I was a free woman when I wasn’t.”

Does she regret me?

Taking her hand, I pull Nova off the floor toward the first darkened corner I find, putting some distance between us and the noise. I turn her back to the wall and lean over her, bracing my arm over her head. To the passerby, we’re just two people having an intimate conversation.

“Nova, what happened?” There’s something she isn’t telling me.

Wetting her lips, Nova stares at my chest for a long minute before she finally draws a breath, and then her gaze flicks to my left arm propped against the wall, my shirt sleeve rolled up below my elbow. I brace for her words.
