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She looked between Charlotte and me. “I think it would be really cool.”

“There you have it.” Charlotte wagged her brows. “This is happening.”

Mom clapped her hands together. “Now I only have to sing ‘Wind Beneath My Wings’ once.”

The blood drained from both Charlotte’s and my face. We attempted to say something, but then we saw Patrick and Drake walk out on the sidewalk in their dark dress coats, the afternoon sun illuminating them. Drake was carrying a briefcase full of cash. Honestly, this didn’t seem real. Except I had seen the cash we’d locked up in the safe a few days ago.

“Drake looks so sexy,” Charlotte noted.

Patrick did too, but I wasn’t going to mention it around Bridgette.

“Look at my boys.” Mom was all aflutter.

I grabbed Bridgette’s hand nervously. I said a silent prayer that everything went according to plan.

“Do you want me to snap some pictures of this?” Zoe asked.

“Ooh, yes,” Charlotte said. “We’ll keep it for evidence.”

“Just don’t let anyone see you,” I begged.

Zoe nodded.

The tension in the room was strung tight as we watched and waited. It didn’t take long for an old Dodge Charger to come rolling up.

“Is that Irma driving?” Charlotte asked, aghast.

No. Not Irma. It couldn’t be. We all loved her. I inched up to get a better look. It was her all right. Her gray spiky hair was a dead giveaway. I couldn’t believe she was the spy. Why would she do this?

Dave slinked out of the car like the slime he was. Some words were exchanged, and then he had the audacity to pat down Drake and Patrick.

Charlotte laughed. “I bet Drake wants to punch him right about now.”

I was sure Patrick felt the same. I didn’t believe in any sort of physical violence, but even I wouldn’t mind smacking the man after all he had put us through, and especially for threatening to hurt Bridgette and Rory.

As I watched it all go down, all I could think was how surreal the whole thing felt. This is the kind of thing you watch in movies or on the news, not in your own front yard.

“Give him the what for, boys,” Mom said, though they couldn’t hear her.

I sat on pins and needles, still holding tight to Bridgette.

Drake finally shoved the briefcase into Dave’s arms, making Dave falter. Evilly, I wished he’d fallen down. Irma was waving frantically for Dave to get in the car. Just as Dave opened the door, lights and sirens blared, and all three of the town’s police cars surrounded the vehicle. And when I say cars, I mean big four-wheel-drive SUVs.

We all stood as we watched the police officers exit their cars and nab the culprits. They even forced Irma out of the vehicle. I don’t know what she was saying, but she was definitely fired up and probably yelling obscenities. Meanwhile, Patrick and Drake looked on smugly with their arms folded.

Zoe snapped several pictures. “So far this is the best wedding I’ve ever been to.”

We all laughed.

“It will certainly be a day to remember,” Mom said.

She was right.

Charlotte and I stood at the top of the stairs, staring at each other, holding our incredible bouquets, both dressed in white, each wearing a string of pearls around our necks. We had asked for a moment alone before the ceremony started.

“You’re gorgeous,” I gushed.

She truly was, in her strapless ball gown embroidered with gold and pearls. She was going to look fabulous on the cover of all the magazines once their wedding pictures were released after they returned from their honeymoon.
