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“Oh.” A look of dawning washed over Charlotte’s pretty face.

“Yeah. Oh. Like a big OH. None of them want to talk about her, but it’s like her presence lingers and haunts them.”

Charlotte rubbed my arm. “Well, if anyone can help them, it’s you.”

“I’m not so sure.”

“Mom and Aunt Iz, turn on the music!” Jameson shouted.

Charlotte did as her son commanded. Soon the ballroom was thumping to the Backstreet Boys’, “Everybody.”

I was grateful for the loud music. Maybe dancing would help me sort out my feelings. I’d invited Patrick and his kids to join us, but Bridgette was quick to decline. Patrick and Rory decided to stay with her. It was the noble and right thing to do. I just wishedIknew what the right thing to do in all of this was. How could we pull off a fake engagement when it appeared his daughter seemed determined not to like me? I wasn’t even sure we should be faking it. Unfortunately, that ball was already rolling down the side of the mountain, taking out everything in its path. It was going to be hard to stop it now. And admittedly, I really wanted to nail Dave. He was going to pay for that picture he posted of me.

Charlotte and I walked out to find Jameson with his hands on his hips. “Ladies, you are messing with my vibe.” He was the most incorrigible kid, and I loved him for it.

Charlotte and I busted out laughing. Boy, did I need a good laugh after the day I’d had.

Charlotte swooped up her kiddo and did some ballroom dancing with him.

I stood and watched, mesmerized by the beauty of a mother and her son. In those moments, the ache for a child of my own hit me in my core. It was like a stab to my heart. Just as the pain of it was about to consume me, Patrick and Rory appeared.

Rory slid across the dance floor in his socks and began to bust a move, pulling out all the old nineties steps. Patrick had to have taught him. Or at least I hoped he had. For some reason, I loved the thought of him doing something like that. It fit the man I knew so long ago.

Jameson wriggled out of Charlotte’s arms and ran over to dance with Rory. I was happy to see Rory welcome Jameson’s presence. I was more impressed when he started teaching him some moves.

Charlotte cheered them on while grinning between Patrick and me.

Patrick stood in the large doorway, staring warily at all the beautifully decorated trees that radiated a heavenly glow throughout the room. Did he hate Christmas?

I needed to know what had happened to him, to his family. I motioned with my finger for him to join me, not sure if he would cross the threshold for how disconcerted he looked.

His gaze fixed on me, and whatever trepidation he had melted away as he made his way toward me.

I noticed he acted like he had blinders on, keeping his eyes on me while blocking out the magnificent trees. I didn’t mind being his focus but was bothered by his aversion to Christmas. Especially since I had already told a few people we were getting married in my enchanted winter wonderland.

When he made it to me, I immediately tugged on his button-up, bringing him closer. “Hi.”

“Hello,” he crooned.

“What are you doing here? I thought you weren’t up for sliding and dancing tonight.”

He wrapped an arm around me and pulled me flush against him. “I changed my mind. I find myself once again wishing to be with you every moment, awake or asleep.”

Oh. Wow. No one had said those words to me for twenty years. My eyes landed on his lips, so close. I wanted a taste, but I needed whatever was happening between us to be more than physical—more than a dream. Don’t get me wrong—I wanted the dream. So much. But more than that, I wanted something real and lasting. I smoothed his shirt, reveling in the feel of his hard chest. “I kind of like being around you too.”

“Kind of?” He leaned in, daring me to tell him exactly how much I wished to be around him.

Someday I would tell him. But not today. “Is Bridgette okay?”

He was not the least bit disappointed in my change of subject. He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. “Thank you for being concerned about her welfare.”

“Of course. She’s obviously hurting. Can I do anything to help?”

“Isabelle,” he said so adoringly, “you are just what we need.”

“What is it you need?”

“Someone who cares about others more than herself.”
