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With trepidation, I clicked the green Answer button. “Hello.” I hustled through the ballroom and into the galley, just in case I received terrible news and needed some privacy.

“Izzy,” Jared’s deep baritone voice filled my ear. “It’s been a long time. How are you?”

“I’m well.”

“I’m glad to hear that. I suppose congratulations are in order,” he hesitated to say.

Of course, he knew about theengagement. The entire world knew. Yet, I found it odd he would call to congratulate me. “Why are you calling?”

“You always knew when to call me out on my BS, Izzy.” He sounded like he was fondly reminiscing about his time with me.

“So, you didn’t call to congratulate me.” I leaned against the wooden counter full of the service ware we offered to guests who rented out the ballroom.

“I called to clear my conscience, but maybe you already know, seeing as you got who you really wanted anyway.” His bitterness came through loud and clear, though I was confused as to why it was there to begin with.

I had to take a second to digest what he was telling me. “What do you mean? How did you know about—”

“You and Patrick? Your affair. I know all about it. I always have.”

“Affair? Are you implying I cheated on you after you broke up with me?” It took everything in me not to raise my voice.

“We were taking abreak.”

“You broke up with me,” I said each word succinctly with some heat behind them. “I’m not going to debate that with you. What I want to know is how you knew about Patrick and me in Colorado. And why do you need to clear your conscience?”

He paused for a moment. “Patrick”—he said his name like it was a vile disease—“didn’t tell you?”

“Tell me what?” The lead in my stomach felt heavier, making me feel nauseated. I had a feeling I was about to receive some news I wouldn’t care for.

“Izzy,” he said my name tenderly, like I actually meant something to him. “Nina called me before you flew home to tell me that if I wanted to keep you, I’d better act fast because you had met someone, and it seemed serious.”

I gripped the counter, feeling like I had been sucker-punched. “Nina called you?” What a sneaky, sneaky wench. She never said a word. Never even acted as if she had manipulated my life. She came back to school that next semester acting the part of best friend, helping me pick my wedding colors and go through dozens of bridal magazines. How was I so blind?

“Yes,” he admitted.

“Is that the only reason you proposed to me?” My voice shook, for fear that I’d lived a lie for twenty years. Silence filled the air, giving me the only answer I needed. “I can’t believe this. Why did you bother if you didn’t really want me?”

“Damn it, Izzy, I wanted you. How could I not? You’re beautiful, driven, and talented. Everything I ever wanted, but we were young, and I wasn’t ready. But I knew if I let you go, I would regret it, so I bought a ring.”

“Only to let me go later,” my voice shattered into a million pieces. I realized now what Patrick meant when he said his life was stolen from him. He meant me. What could have been was stolen from us, and I had no idea for all these years. The weight of that loss came bearing down on me. Why would Nina do such a thing? Why would Jared?

“I never deserved you. I did things in our marriage I’m not proud of. Don’t ask me to tell you. I won’t.”

I grabbed my midsection, guessing what it was. “So why call me now? You want to shove the knife in farther?”

“I wanted to tell you I’m sorry. I should have never come to the airport. I should have been man enough to let you go in the beginning. I hope you get all the happiness you deserve. I mean that.”

“You expect me to believe you?”

“No. No, I don’t. I wish I would have been the man you deserved. I’ll always love you, Izzy.” He unceremoniously hung up.

I dropped the phone on the counter, not caring if it broke. So many emotions and thoughts swirled through my head and in my heart. I had a hard time processing any of them. Then I heard my name on the very lips I needed to ground me, to remind me all wasn’t lost. No, it had been found again.

“Isabelle, are you here?” Patrick called.

I cleared my throat and wiped my cheeks. “Back here.”

He soon rounded the corner, and suddenly the pain and confusion caused by Jared’s call melted away. Before me, I saw my future, the one almost stolen from me for reasons I could only guess.
