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“You think so?” I teased.

“I know so,” he zinged back.

“George, I would like to introduce you to my children,” Patrick sounded ever so proud. “This is my daughter, Bridgette, and my son, Rory.”

George looked down the couch at the beautiful siblings sipping hot cocoa. “It is my utmost pleasure to make your acquaintance. I hope your stay here has been all you have dreamed of,” he added mysteriously, as if he knew their dreams. Perhaps he did.

“It’s been cool,” Rory responded.

Bridgette tipped her head to the side to study the wizened and lovable old man, suspecting that perhaps he knew about her dreams.

I wasn’t sure if that bothered her or if she hoped he did and would make them come true. It made me want to know all Bridgette’s hopes so I could make sure she got all that she wished for. And Rory too.

George returned her gaze, silently speaking that he knew exactly what she needed. Then he turned his head toward me. Bridgette followed his eyes, and hers landed on me. Was George telling her I was the answer to her quiet pleas, hidden in the recesses of her mind? Had she wished for someone like me? The possibility made my heart soar. I knew I could easily love her and Rory. That thought struck me. If I could so quickly love them, wasn’t it reasonable to think I could be in love with their father?

Bridgette pursed her lips together, contemplating. After a moment, her eyes lit up. She finally responded to George’s question. “I’m happy we came here.”

“Me too,” I said, my voice cracking.

Patrick’s arm wound tighter around me, pulling me closer.

“Amen.” Mom grabbed a mug of hot chocolate and took her place back on the love seat next to Dad. Charlotte took one of the poufs from around the coffee table, and Fiona rested her head on Charlotte’s lap. I wasn’t really a dog person, but I would miss Fiona when she left with Jameson and Charlotte. Maybe I would get a kitten—or a family. Maybe both?

“Although—” Mom looked down her nose at Patrick. “I do have some questions for you. Let’s say over coffee tomorrow morning. I have to get to the bottom of some things before we proceed with the wedding.”

At this point, I didn’t even bother telling her there wouldn’t be a wedding. However, I was dying inside a bit, knowing exactly what Mom’s interrogation would cover. I would have to try and talk her out of it later. It was none of her business how he had ended up with Nina. That was between him and me.

“I would love to have coffee with you, Mom.” Patrick played her just right.

Mom did a little dance in her seat. “I love you already.”

Charlotte snickered, while I rolled my eyes.

George clapped his hands together. “Wonderful. Just wonderful. We are way ahead of schedule.”

“What schedule?” I asked.

George wagged his brows but refused to answer me; instead, he surveyed the ornaments we were making. “You know, this reminds me of Daisy.” He always said her name with such love and reverence. “She loved Christmas. We met during the holiday season,” he said wistfully. “She came to work for her aunt and uncle who owned the mercantile in town back in those days. They had a soda shop in the back. I came in to get a Coke float. I was home on leave for a couple of weeks, not thinking about getting serious with any girl.”

Charlotte and I knew, from some of his previous stories and some of Daisy’s letters he’d shared, that George was the cat’s meow once upon a time. I always got the feeling Daisy never appreciated that aspect of him. Honestly, I think she may have worried she wasn’t good enough. I don’t know how she ever doubted that, by the way George talked about her.

“But then I see this beautiful girl, with her blond ponytail, dancing behind the counter, singing into an ice cream scoop to Dean Martin like no one was watching. She looked up at just the right moment, and when we locked eyes, I instantly fell in love. I knew then I was hers to command.”

“Was it really love at first sight?” Bridgette asked, not in a skeptical way. No, she sounded hopeful, wishing to believe in such a thing. Almost like she worried love wasn’t real because of her parents. I think that’s why she asked me about George and Daisy the first time I met her. Why she’d asked me today how I felt about her dad. Something deep within her needed to know.

“Yes ma’am. It’s the best feeling in the world,” George said longingly.

“I concur,” Patrick whispered, for my ears only.

I turned to meet his gaze. The outside world faded away, and in that moment, only he and I existed.

He nodded, answering the question in my heart.Do you love me?

I was rendered speechless, but my eyes filled with tears.

Patrick tenderly kissed my brow.

“Was it love at first sight for her?” Bridgette followed up.
