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Dave scoffed and followed us, his camera around his neck.

Patrick wrapped an arm around me and kissed my head.

I leaned into him, worried. Very worried. But I knew I couldn’t say anything until we were alone. If Dave did anything to hurt Bridgette or Rory,Imight need bail money.

We walked up the steps of the courthouse, solemnly, in what should have been a happy moment for us. I knew we weren’t using the license right away, and Patrick hadn’t even formally asked me to marry him, yet it was still meaningful. Like Patrick said, it put us one step closer. Dave was overshadowing that. Unfortunately, we couldn’t stop him from entering the public place. And now more than ever, I was determined to make him see that we were indeed getting a license. But deep down, I had a feeling it wouldn’t silence him. Perhaps, though, it would buy us some time for Drake to discover what he was really up to.

After passing security, we were directed to the county recorder’s office. We click-clacked across the stone floors. The building matched the beautifully rustic look the town emanated, complete with black-and-white portraits of local wildlife on the walls. There was even a stuffed cougar standing proudly on display in the middle of the lobby. Everyone we passed stared at us with knowing grins.

“You will stay here.” Patrick pointed at Dave when we reached our destination. “We will show you the document when we’re done.”

“No. Let him come and see what an idiot he is,” I countered, with an evil smile. I didn’t want to give Dave one ounce of doubt regarding the validity of the license.

Patrick gave me an appreciative grin. “All right, darling.”

“That’s my girl.” Mom gave me a little nudge as she walked by.

Dave’s brow started to gather sweat beads. That did not bode well. But why?

When we walked in, Mary Jo, wearing a Santa hat, waved us over to her desk. I knew her from several community planning meetings I had attended. “Come on over here. Look at you two. I heard the exciting news.”

Who hadn’t?

Patrick and I took a seat at her desk draped in Christmas lights. I appreciated her holiday spirit. Michael Bublé’s Christmas album played on a Bluetooth speaker near a picture of her family. I would have liked to say it calmed my nerves, but knowing Dave was witnessing the entire thing had me on edge.

Mary Jo gave us a toothy grin. “I see you filled out the online application. I just need your social security cards and driver’s licenses and/or birth certificates.”

“I have all my documents here.” Patrick reached into the inside pocket of his coat.

I reached into my purse for my ID and the relatively new social security card I’d received after returning to my maiden name, legally liberating myself from Jared forever. What a pain it was to change, but I would happily change it to Abbott when the time came. Isabelle Abbott did have a nice ring to it. I would keep Valentine as my middle name, though, as Dad had no sons to pass down his name to.

We handed her our documents. She looked them over. “I just need to make copies, and that will be thirty-one dollars in cash.”

So weird they didn’t take credit cards, but I didn’t mention it.

Patrick happily handed over the exact amount of money, flashing me a charming smile. “Best money I’ve ever spent.”

“Oh, Izzy,” Mom squealed, snapping a hundred pictures with her phone. “This is so much better than the first time you got married.”

“Thanks, Mom,” I gritted through my teeth. The things that came out of her mouth.

Patrick laughed, only solidifying his place as the favorite.

I turned to look at Dave in atake thatattitude.

Dave stood, immobilized, with a blank stare, in disbelief that we were actually going through with it. Maybe this would get him to back off.Please let it work,I silently prayed.

It didn’t take long for Mary Jo to return with our documents and a printed copy of our marriage license. She sat at her desk and giddily signed it before stamping it with the state seal. “This is the best part of the job.”

Whoa. This just got real.

Patrick’s face shone, as happy as I had ever seen him. He leaned over and pressed a kiss against my lips, making me want to sign the bottom half of the license, certifying we were soon getting married. “I love you, Isabelle.”

A large flash went off.

We turned to see a pale-faced Dave lowering his camera after taking his shot.

Mary Jo clapped her hands together. “How cute that you brought a photographer to immortalize this moment.”
