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“What is that look?”

She casually shrugged. “Well, I’m just thinking that maybe this is a sign.”

“What does that mean?”

“I think this is Daisy’s way of putting a heart by Patrick’s and your name. She thinks you’re soul mates.”

I read the ornament one more time to myself, mesmerized by the perfect little stitches. Daisy must have spent hours on it. “I don’t know,” I said. “Soul mates. That’s a big deal.” I knew Patrick believed we were. I wasn’t sure why I was so afraid to admit there might be such a thing. Wasn’t it enough to know I was in love with him?

“It’s also a beautiful one.” Charlotte took the ornament and lovingly cradled it.

“Well, I think it means you are supposed to get married,” Mom threw her two cents in.

I held up my ring. “We are getting married.”

“I’m pretty sure Daisy thinks it should be sooner.” Mom nudged me.

I thought February was soon. Obviously, Patrick disagreed.

Ophelia blinked and took a step back, like perhaps she should call for help.

I couldn’t blame her. I might go with her. I was sure there was a logical explanation for it all. Right? Although, I was beyond excited to find the ornament. I couldn’t wait to give it to George for Christmas.

Give him my love,I swore I’d heard. I looked around to see if anyone else had. Maybe I had finally lost my ish. Or maybe Patrick and I really were soul mates. Huh.

“WE DANCED EVERY DANCE, ANDthen he took me to his parents’ restaurant, and they made everyone dulce de leche doughnuts and Mexican hot chocolate,” Bridgette gushed while she snuggled into me on the couch.

Patrick, who sat on the other side of her, took in the scene and smiled contentedly. I was glad he didn’t think I was stealing this moment from him. I remember when I would come home from dates in high school and cuddle up next to my mom and tell her every detail about a hundred times over. I never thought I would get these moments to be a mom of sorts, but there I was. Bridgette had no idea what it meant to me.

“That sounds yummy,” I commented.

“It was so good. We have to go there during Christmas break and try them.”

Today had been their last day of school before break. I was so excited to have them home for the next few weeks. We just needed to get through the madness of all the family arriving and, you know, the wedding of the decade.

“Let’s plan on it.”

“Then we danced again with everyone who came and ...” She bit her lip. “He kissed me.”

Patrick’s brows shot up, but he didn’t say anything. That was a good call on his part.

“Oh, really? How was it?” I asked.

“So. Good.” She sighed a dreamy sigh.

Patrick cleared his throat, making us laugh.

“I should probably go to bed.” She hugged me tight. “Good night.”

“Good night, honey. I love you.”

She leaned away and thought for a moment. “I love you too.”

That was it. The dam burst, and tears poured down my cheeks. This was going down as the best Christmas in the history of Christmases.

“Are you okay?” Bridgette asked, concerned.

“Better than okay. I’m just happy.”
