Page 44 of Fae Uncovered

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Cerridwen didn’t wantto fight.

I couldn’t blame her, but she needed to know that there was more at stake than just her own safety here. Her court had waited long enough for her to grow into a woman. It wasn’t their fault that she’d suffered in the mortal world. She needed to buck up and accept her duty.

So long as she had me at her side, I would make sure that no harm fell to her. I would fall before anyone struck her again.

Unable to bear the distance between us, I parted the curtain of foliage and peered into her bedroom. The only reason I felt comfortable doing so was because of the soft scratching sound of pen on paper that told me what she was up to. The princess was bent over an old book. She had a finger on a line in the crumbling book and her pen quickly scribbling notes in a modern notebook.

I leaned in closer and read the subject matter. “Love potions? Seriously? I thought you were joking.”

She lifted her head and narrowed her eyes at me. “I’m not going to send Beryl a love potion. She’s too smart to fall for a simplistic trick like that, and I know it.”

“Then why are you wasting your time here? You don’t need to know how to make people fall in love with you. Despite your prickly exterior, you can be a likable person…sometimes.”

Cerridwen chucked her pen at my head. I dodged it easily. A laugh spilled out of me when the pen hit the wall behind me. The curtain of vines caught the pen and tossed it back to Cerridwen so she could snatch it out of the air without breaking eye contact with me.

I gave her an impressed nod. It was just a trick, though. The act might have been impressive, but it wasn’t going to save her from what she had to do. She wanted me to see her as an independent individual, and I did. However, that didn’t absolve her of her responsibilities.

Her gaze roved across my face like she was looking for an out. I wasn’t going to give it to her. She would find no leeway with me. There was a court—my entire world—that needed her. If she could just do this, then we could get it over with and go back to a normal life.

Cerri’s lips tightened. Her brows slid together. A bit of moisture filled her eyes. She quickly blinked it all away and lowered her head. Before I could direct the conversation, Cerri went back to her notes. I inched closer to see what she thought of the love potions.

Who did she want to seduce? That was the only use for love potions that I could think of. I couldn’t imagine this woman needing anyone so deeply that she had to make a love potion. Who wouldn’t trip over themselves for a chance to love her?

Cerridwen had other ideas, though. I skimmed over her notes, but my gaze caught on a single line.

Reverse love potion? Protect myself from wanting someone…?

Who did she have feelings for? If he hurt her, then I was going to go break some bones. Now wasn’t the time to get the information from her, though. Instead, I went back out to her bar cart and searched for something else to numb the pain of simply existing.

I waited for Cerri to catch up to me and admonish me for drinking so soon after a harrowing fight for my life, but she kept to herself in her miniature bedroom garden. Alone, I chugged down half a bottle of gin and savored the burn of it as it swirled in my stomach.

Soon, I thought.We’re coming for you soon, Court. Just hold out a little longer.

She’s a good princess. She’s just…a little wounded. You’ll have to go easy on her. Give her forgiveness. She’s suffered, too.



Since I didn’t want to go back to Rhoan’s wrecked trailer, he grumpily got up and went out to set up wards outside my building again. This time, the process took a lot longer. So, I sat back with my morning tea and continued the research that I’d started the night before.

It made for a wonderfully peaceful morning, unlike any I’d had in a very long time. However, peaceful translated to boring after being on guard for so long. I quickly became restless. Feri took my distraction as an opportunity to preach to me.

I leapt out of my seat and paced. The inside of the apartment had become dark and dismal with the boards over the windows, so I stretched and touched the thick wood barriers that I’d conjured the night before. The panels peeled back to let in the bright morning sunshine.

From here, I could see Rhoan stalking across the grass outside. When the sun touched his tattoos, they illuminated with the oil-slick rainbow that I was starting to associate with him. He stopped, rolled his shoulders, and lifted his hands—palms out.

I felt his magic rise and cover this side of the building. It was reassuring like warm comforter at the end of a long day. I sighed and lowered my tense shoulders.

At least, Rhoan was distracted for the time being. That meant I could busy myself with other projects. I pulled out my notebook once again and peered over my notes. Later, when I had more time to myself, I would craft a potion that would protect my heart from any unwanted feelings of love.

I’d found a way to blend traditional love spell components with protective ingredients. Done correctly, it would keep me from falling for anyone, especially Rhoan. I couldn’t love him. He wasn’t right for me. Falling for him would be a mistake, and I didn’t have room for those in my life right now. He was a drunkard and a stubborn bastard. We would spend every moment fighting.

He would never gently kiss me on the forehead like I wanted. He would never let me have the soft, gentle future that I so desperately craved. If Rhoan had his way, he would put me in a pretty dress and plant my ass on a throne that I didn’t want.

The thought made me want to scream. Pressure built in my throat until I grabbed a pen and a piece of paper. I would write a letter to Beryl. If no one wanted to help me get an audience with her, then I would have to do it on my own.

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