Page 125 of What a Duchess Wants

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Colin grinned as he made his way down to the lake, tugging his cravat loose and undoing his waistcoat buttons. The day was warm enough for a swim and he had greatly missed swimming in the lake. He removed his coat, waistcoat, boots and socks, and placed them on a small rock on the bank. He was about to go into the water when he changed his mind and pulled his shirt over his head. No one ever ventured this way; thus, the chances of scandalizing anyone with his form were low.

The cold water made his skin tinglebut he quickly adjusted, swimming to the deeper end and diving.

Being there, at that moment – he could ignore his troubles, forget all about his father’s wish for him to take his brother’s place and marry Lady Harriet.

* * *

Imogen reached up to pluck a leaf from the branch of a tree she was passing just as a bird landed on it. It chirped gleefully — or so she thought — and she tilted her head to get a better look at it. When it flew away, Imogen followed it;curious to see where it would take her.

She arrived at a clearing with a beautiful lake that was surrounded by trees and wildflowers.This must be the lake Emily had mentioned. It was clear and blue, with small ripples spreading from the center.

She would have removed her dress and gone swimming if she hadn't been afraid of the eyes that might be watching her. Even though the lake was deep in the woods, anyone could see her. She considered taking off her shoes and dipping her feet, but she decided against it as well. For the time being, she would enjoy the view of the lake.

She sat down on the grass and brought her knees to her sternum; closing her eyes and raisingher face towardsthe sun. Years ago and prior to her marriage, her mother would have scolded her for doing so.

She was a free woman now, and she could do whatever she wanted. Following that thought, she remembered something Colin had said over breakfast. If she could, she would like to visit the Far East and immerse herself in its rich culture. She'd seen how enthralled Colin was when he spoke. And now that he'd found his way back into her thoughts, she doubted he'd leave anytime soon. Her gaze was drawn to a rock a few yards away from where she sat. She thought she saw clothes there, and as she squinted, she was startled by splashing from the lake.

She let out a gasp as the form of a man broke the surface of the water and emerged. When he reached to push the hair away from his face, she discovered it was Colin.What was he doing there?He was supposed to be in the stables with Michael.

His body transfixed her, and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't take her gaze away from him. He had the physique of Adonis, with powerful muscles and solid planes. The water stopped at his waist, and she wondered if he was wearing anything underneath.

Her mouth dried up as heat spread from her core to the rest of her body, staining her cheeks no doubt. When their gazes locked, her heart began to thud in her chest.
