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“I know,” he said simply. “Lay down with me.” And he tugged on her wrist to pull her back towards him.

She didn't want to. She felt she needed to keep as much distance between them as possible. But he refused to let go of her wrist as he drew her down to his side. He releasedher when she was lying flat next to him, but only to snake his arm around her shoulders and hold her tightly against him. He made a space between his shoulders and the bottom of his chin for her head and placed her there. His skin was so warm against her cheek, and his arm around her shoulders felt like a soft cocoon.

“Lean on me,” he bade, and she did, finally relaxing within his embrace as it became obvious he wanted nothing more from her than to feel her pressed against his side. Rose could hear the thud thud thud of his heart beneath the slow rise and fall of his chest. The heat from his skin was merging with the warmth from the sun, and she began to match her breath to his. Very slowly, she drifted to sleep.

They must have lain that way for at least an hour. Rose opened her eyes when she felt him stir beneath her. The sun was still high in the sky. He unraveled his arm from her shoulder to stretch it above his head, and his chest rose, taking her head upwards with it. Rose moved to sit up but Will’s “Don’t go anywhere” stopped her. He brought his arms back down to wrap around both sides of her now as he clasped her just as firmly to his side. She lay in his embrace for several minutes more. She felt Will’s lips brush the top of her head in a soft kiss, but nothing more. He didn’t try to caress her; he just seemed to want to hold her, and she was very happy to be held. It had been so long since she had just been held.

“Are you hungry?” he whispered, eventually.

Rose realized she really was. She had hardly eaten all week, robbed of her appetite by the agony and dread. Now she felt like she could eat a horse.

He sat up, bringing her up with him in one fluid motion. His breeches had dried on his hips. She wondered if he was going to put his shirt back on, but he made no move. Instead, he began to take items from the wicker basket, such as bread, cheese, and meats. She realized he had not had time to go home and collect these vittles, so he must have arrived with them at the castle.

“How did you know I would agree to come?” She asked.

He smiled. “I am a very persuasive man.”

He handed her a small round of bread piled high with cheese and ham and the little pickles she remembered his mother used to make. She ate it in three bites, and he already had another ready. This one he fed her from his fingers, encouraging her to take bites as he held the bread steady.

“I can hold it myself,” she told him.

“I know,” he smiled. “You are indeed hungry.”

Her lips grazed the side of his fingers as she took it from his hand.

“I have hardly eaten for a week.”

He scrutinized her but said nothing. Instead, he reached for the wine glasses and refilled them.

“More wine, Your Grace?”

“Quite definitely.” She smiled.

The second glass made Rose feel even more relaxed than the first. She had forgotten that lovely warm feeling wine created in her body and her mind. She was enjoying it. She was also enjoying this new Will.

“Are you certain you won’t swim?”

She laughed. “So you can dive in and splash me as soon as I get in. Not likely, sir.”

“I won’t,” Will assured her, but his eyes were dancing. “It is just so lovely. You can go in wearing your chemise and petticoats, and I shall let you bathe in peace.”

Rose looked searchingly at him, but he just stared back. She had woken clammy from the heat of the sun, and she had been so envious when he had swum. She did very much want to.

“Well, if you promise.”

“On my honor,” he smiled.

She put down her wine and stood up. “It will have to be now before the wine robs me of my faculties.”

He leaned on one elbow and squinted up at her expectantly.

“You intend to watch me undress?” She challenged him.

“Your Grace, I would say there are few parts of you I have not seen before.”

She arched a brow. “All the same.”

“Spoilsport,” he laughed and put aside his wine to lay face down on the blanket.
