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There was silence for a moment as they both continued eating their meals.

“I have missed your company,” Will said suddenly.

Rose froze.

“Yes, well, I am sure you have been very busy,” she said sharply.

“There were things to be taken care of.” He did not elaborate. Now she scrutinized him as he bent his head to eat.

Friends,the voice in her head was repeating over and over again.You vowed to be friends.She had no reason to be standoffish.

Will looked up then as she was still looking at him. Their eyes met and held. At that moment, she was transported back to the evening of her birthday, alone with him in her room.Lord, I have missed you.

“How long will you be staying this time.”

“I’m not certain.”

Rose lowered her eyes as she took another forkful of her food.

“Will you be staying here or with your mother?”

“The Duke offered me a room here.”

“I see.” Her single sentence belied the excitement that suddenly raced through her, but also dismay at the temptation which she would be subject to. It seemed with him, the situation was always a double-edged sword.

“Does that agree with you?” Will asked.

“The Duke is now the master of this castle,” she smiled.

“Rose,” he said then and reached across the table for her hand. She slid her hand back to deny him and glanced nervously at the door.

“Why did you not tell me you were coming?”

“I didn’t know I was until yesterday. I tried to stay away.”

“You did!” She looked up at him. So, he was struggling with it, too, she thought. He didn’t know if he wanted to be with her or apart from her. “What made you decide to come?”

“A lack of willpower!” He smiled. She felt a rush of warmth through her veins at his smile.

“I understand that,” she said softly, holding his gaze.

“You do?” He tilted his head as he looked at her.

She nodded. For a couple of seconds, they just looked at each other until he spoke again.

“I was surprised to see the Duke out of his bed. I understood his recovery was going to take months.”

“It appears he has a strong constitution and may recover far more quickly than we thought.”

“I see.” His gaze became searching. She didn’t want to go into that subject. She preferred to keep it at arm’s length.

“You also appear to be developing a close relationship with him,” Rose said between mouthfuls. “Do you think it will prove fruitful?”

“I hope so,” he said. Then he added, “It also brings me closer to you.”

Rose’s head snapped up. He had stopped eating and was simply looking at her. “I have been unable to stop thinking about our last night together.”


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