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By morning, Ernest looked a lot brighter. He had not risen, but he was sitting up and was pinker.

“Where is Browning?” It was one of the first things he said as she walked into the room.

“He has returned to London, Your Grace.”


“A lady and her mother came to castle, and said he had proposed marriage and demanded he arrange the ceremony.”

“He is getting married.” The flat statement from Ernest sparked a wave of emotion in Rose, which she was forced to bite down.

“He says not, Your Grace, but I guess we will have to wait and see.”

She tried hard to flatten the dejection in her voice, but Ernest was staring at her intently, so she was not sure she had achieved it.You wanted to see him married, the Machiavellian voice was saying inside Rose’s mind.

“Well, that is a darn shame, as we had more to discuss.” Ernest looked annoyed. “Never mind. I guess it will wait. I’ll be damned.” Then he turned his attention back to Rose.

“And what are you going to do today?”

“I thought I would go for a walk, Your Grace.”

“Good idea. Have a walk for me. Maybe one day soon, we will be able to take a walk together.” He smiled keenly at her. “I would like that.”

Everything about Ernest was different. His manner, his looks, his way of speaking, his kind words, but try as she might, Rose was unable to make herself feel anything but empty. He was not Will, and it seemed, for her body at least, nothing else would do.

“You’re getting married!”

The Countess of Denbigh pushed the door aside as soon as Will opened it and stormed into his home. Will had only just gotten up and was dressed in breeches and shirt sleeves. He had only opened the door because she was pounding on it so violently, and there was no servant in the hall. Charlotte threw down a copy of The Morning Chronicle on the nearest table.

“Why on earth would you choose Lady Camilla Canterbury? She is a vapid simpering fool.”

“I didn’t choose her,” Will said firmly, closing the door behind her.

“You were forced into it?” Charlotte looked astonished.


“William Browning, what are you talking about?”

Charlotte was pulling off her hat and veil, and she put both on the same table.

Will pulled her through into his drawing room and sat her down on the sofa.

“I danced with the woman once. I was being polite. No meaningful words were exchanged between us, but three days ago, Lady Camilla and her mother came to Arundel Castle while I was with Rose and claimed I had proposed.”

“Rose knows?” Charlotte’s eyes were as wide as saucers.


“How did she take it?”

“I didn’t stop to ask. I just jumped on Dante and returned to try to nip this ridiculous, preposterous accusation in the bud.”

“But now it is in the Morning Chronicle!”

“I have had three conversations with Lady Marjory Canterbury, and she absolutely refuses to listen to reason. As far as she is concerned, it is a done deal, and she wants the Banns read from this Sunday.”

“Well, at least she is not demanding you get a special license. Then we have time.”
