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“I have asked him to join us for dinner again this evening after I spoiled the last time. And here he is.”

Rose heard Jennings announce “Mr. William Browning, Your Graces” behind her. She didn’t turn around immediately. She wasn’t sure she could. She felt as if she was rooted to the spot. Ernest greeted him for her as she let out the breath she was holding and tried to take another.

“Browning, come in, my man. Perfect timing.”

Now, Rose had to turn around otherwise she would appear rude. She turned slowly and came face to face with Will, still finding it hard to take any more than very shallow breaths.

“Mr. Browning, how lovely to see you.” And indeed, it was lovely. He looked lovely. Will did not speak immediately, nor did he smile in return. He just stared at her, and then his eyes dipped to her styled bodice and further down to the flow of the fabric down her middle.Look up, look up, she urged silentlybefore Ernest notices.

He seemed to hear her and immediately raised his gaze to hers, with a fire in his eyes that had not been there before.

“Your Grace,” he said and dipped his head to her.

She knew Ernest was studying them both closely. Surely the attraction between them was naked, and she rushed to cover it.

“Take your seats,” Ernest indicated the chairs on either side of him, but as Rose moved down one side of the table, expecting Will to move down the other, he followed her a few steps behind to avoid stepping on her train.

“Let me get your chair for you,” he said to Rose.

Was he mad?she thought.Why was he dancing attendance on her, right in front of Ernest?

She could only let him pull out her chair and try to avoid touching him in any way as she gathered up her train and sat down. But she couldn’t stop him from leaning over her as he pushed her chair into place or prevent him from briefly touching the bare skin between her hair and the back of her dress as he pulled his hand away. She didn’t dare look at Ernest or Will, as he took his seat.

“Jennings, feel free to serve,” Ernest said brightly. “I, for one, am ravenous.”

Rose suddenly felt a movement against the side of her leg. She thought she had imagined it, but then it happened again; a rub against the side of her foot this time. Rose looked up straight into Will’s amused expression. Was he really playing footsie with her less than a foot away from Ernest? She dropped her gaze and pulled her feet back under her chair, well away from his.

Jennings was pouring wine into her and Will’s glasses.

“I have invited Mr. Browning to join us as I wish to discuss something important.”

Rose picked up her glass and took a sip as Ernest said, “It is time to discuss wedding plans.”

Rose gulped her wine down rapidly to stifle the urge to spit it out. Opposite her, Will showed no reaction at all. Rose turned to Ernest.

“Your Grace, surely this should be a private conversation.”

“No, I specifically invited Mr. Browning because he has experience organizing weddings.”

Rose’s eyes flew to Will’s.What did Ernest mean? Had the note been wrong?

Will was smiling at her.

“He means that I organized my sisters’ weddings.”

“Oh,” Rose narrowed her eyes and shook her head slightly at him. What was he thinking? Why was he smiling?

“The thing is, my dear, that I am aware that the last time you married, you had planned a minimal affair in the local church. But I thought you might like to avail yourself of something more lavish this time.”

“Not really, Your Grace,” Rose said to Will rather than Ernest.

“Come, come, my dear,” he said, encouraging her to look towards him. “If a happy marriage is the goal, surely the least one can do is celebrate its commencement well.”

‘Then you must choose whatever would please you, Your Grace.”

“I don’t know anything about such things,” he said. “I don’t even know who to invite if we leave out the blasted ton.”

“You must invite society people if you wish to,” Rose insisted.

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