Page 16 of Fierce-Ivan

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“To each their own. Everyone works in their own way and I shouldn’t have said that,” she said. “I tend to keep to myself, but I never could understand why people don’t want to be the most efficient they could be.”

“Because some of us don’t do things as complex as you have to,” Kelly said, standing in the doorway. He knew the staff member that was smiling worked with Cade. She ran all the social media for the corporation. “Sorry to interrupt you. I’ve got to run out to pick a few things up and Cade was whining he needed coffee stronger than what was downstairs. Can I get you anything? He told me to stop in and check with who was here and he’d place the order for me to grab it on my way back.”

“I’m good,” Ivan said.

“Same here,” Kendra said. “But thank you.”

Kelly shook her head. “You should try something more than boring old black coffee from time to time, Kendra.”

“I had tea this morning. That’s different.”

Kelly laughed and left.

“There isn’t anything wrong with black coffee,” he said. “Who needs all the extra in it? This way you can get it anywhere and not worry they won’t make it the way you are used to.”

“Why can’t anyone else understand that?” she asked. “Ella likes creamer in her coffee; she’s not too fussy. Cade will drink it black most times, but he gets on these fancy drinks kicks I can’t even pronounce. He went through them with shots of espresso when the twins weren’t sleeping much.”

Ivan grinned. “Cade has always been a night owl like Brody, but he needed more to get him going.”

“Brody drinks his black too. He’s easy. But most of the girls up here like all those fancy drinks too. Too much money and calories. They aren’t good for your body or your wallet.”

“That’s what I say too,” he said, frowning.

She blushed adorably and he wasn’t sure why. “Sorry. I knew I’ve heard it before but couldn’t remember who said it. It must have been you, but it stuck.”

“Don’t apologize. Not many agree with me it seems.”

She nodded her head and they got back to work. The more he was around her, the more he wondered if maybe his aunt was right and Kendra would be a good fit.

Now he just had to figure out how to make that next move and keep his aunt out of the loop at the same time.


Fair and Flexible

Kendra was never so embarrassed in her life.

She knew darn well Ivan was the one that made that comment months ago when he was here.

She’d heard him say it in Ella’s office when she was walking by and it hit home with her because she’d felt the same way.

Since then she’d said it a few times and the girls in the office always laughed at her.

Many were in their twenties or early thirties and though she was twenty-eight and fit right in with them in that classification, that was about all she felt she associated with.

She didn’t dress the same as them. She didn’t eat that way either.

She brought her lunch daily. Usually food that was leftover dinners, or in a pinch, she’d make a peanut butter sandwich with a piece of fruit.

Others would go downstairs and get lunch if they didn’t bring something. Some did it daily. She never wanted to be the person that took advantage of the discount nor did she want to pay for it.

Aside from it hitting her wallet, it would hit her hips.

Some might say she needed it though. She didn’t mind she was on the lean end. She wore her clothes on the baggy side to hide that if she could.

And while many would wear nice fashionable jeans with pretty tops and heels, she stuck with the wardrobe she’d had for years.

Her jeans weren’t nice enough in her eyes to wear to work. Besides, her boss dressed professionally and she was going to do the same. Maybe if Cade were her boss she’d think differently like Kelly. Though she was sure Cade’s jeans cost more than her entire outfit. Kelly’s probably too.
