Page 17 of Fierce-Ivan

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She was who she was though.

And that was the person that was going to play this out and decide if she wanted to talk to Ivan about more than work.

She’d heard what her mother had said and she’d thought it over for weeks waiting until she’d see him again.

Jolene hadn’t been in lately because Nic had had her second son last week. Joseph Fierce and his mother were home resting and Aiden was off until later this week.

There were a lot of people out on vacation or gone for the holidays too and she thought if this meeting went well, maybe she could get a feel for what Ivan was thinking.

So far, it seemed they had a lot more in common than she thought or realized.

“I’ve found it hard to find people in life who think like I do.”

“Join the crowd,” he said. “Especially in this family.”

Ivan was smiling so she knew it was a joke. “Your cousins and aunt and uncle are the best. I’ve never worked anywhere that I had this much fun or enjoyed the people as I do.”

“I’m sure,” he said. “I didn’t mean it that way. I don’t work here daily. I like what I’ve got. I love my full-time job though many think it’s boring. I couldn’t do what others do. This works for me.”

“I’m the same way,” she said. “I like people and have no problem working in a team environment, but I’d rather keep to myself and do my job.”

She’d learned a lot in her life. That you can’t always count on too many other people. You need to figure out how to do it on your own.

“I’ve been that way for years. It was an adjustment for me to be promoted to management, but my staff know the type of person I am, and as long as they do their job, I’m good. I’d like to think I’m fair and flexible.”

“It seems to me your entire family is that way,” she said. “I’ve worked for a lot of places that aren’t. I’m not sure how I got to be so lucky to land this job, but I’m thrilled I did.”

“Where did you work before here?” he asked.

He didn’t normally ask her personal questions like this. “I’ve been at a few different places since I graduated from college. Not that I moved around a lot. I didn’t. My last job was at a wealth management firm. I was the executive assistant to one of the vice presidents.”

“Just like now,” he said. “Ella is Vice President of Operations.”

“She is. But my last boss didn’t see me as much more than an errand girl. Don’t get me wrong. I had work to do and it was enjoyable, but after a year it wasn’t challenging. I’d ask for more and they’d give me grunt work. I wanted more out of my job. It’s hard for me to leave a place, but I couldn’t see myself there if I had no room to grow.”

“You want to move up?” he asked.

“I don’t want or need a big fancy title,” she said. “I don’t see myself calling the shots or managing people. I want to enjoy the work I do and have goals and reach them. I want to be challenged, as I said. I love working for Ella. Things are growing so fast and there is always something new going on to mix with the every day.”

“And the every day here isn’t boring in the least,” he said.

“No,” she said. “Another thing I like about working here. I see myself here for a long time. This position is perfect for me. Which is crazy because I don’t think there is any job out there that is perfect.”

At least she never thought so in the past.

“I’ve been at the same company since I graduated from college. That’s rare, I know. But they are a good company. I like their values and how they treat people. There is room for growth. I’ve moved up a few times.”

“You can’t ask for more than that,” she said.

“No. I know many would think my job is boring. It doesn’t change all that much in the big picture but things do. The industry has things that change. The economy changes, which feeds the industry. I’ve got my nice side gig here that gives me the challenges I like too. I consider this a hobby of sorts. Which makes me out to be a total nerd in most people’s eyes.”

“Not mine,” she said softly. “I think we are more alike than most realize.”

He lifted one eyebrow at her and she wasn’t sure what that meant. His dark hair was short and slightly wavy. She’d bet if he grew it out longer it’d be curly.

His eyes were dark and looking into hers. There was humor mixed in with this conversation.

This was the most they’d talked and half of it was spent on personal things. He didn’t seem offended by the conversation so she had to think it was going somewhat well, though she wasn’t positive she was ready to ask him out like her mother suggested.
