Page 23 of Fierce-Ivan

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He opened his freezer and she saw the containers in there. “See, practical again,” she said. “Let’s get back to us then. You know about my family somewhat. Or some of my life. I know that you do good work with your hands.”

“I do,” he said, smirking at her.

Oh man, she felt the blush fill her face and heat enter her body. “Well then,” she said. “That might be another conversation for a different day. Tell me things you like to do in your free time. We seem to have a lot in common so far.”

“I read,” he said. “I watch sports. I work a lot. Not because I need to or want to, but I like it.”

“There isn’t anything wrong with enjoying your job. What do you like to read?”

“Mysteries,” he said.

“Me too,” she said. “I like suspense and thrillers too. The more outrageous the better.”

“Outrageous?” he asked.

“You know. Those things that you read and are like, really? No way that can happen? Or how can that character have been so stupid to not notice that tiny piece of thread on the dark floors and place it as the same color as the mailman’s hat?”

He laughed at her sarcastic tone. “I get it. So you do or don’t like books like that?”

“I love them,” she said. “I have to always go back and try to find where I missed it so the next time I don’t. I think it helps me be so detail orientated in life. Everything I come across I think to myself, is this important, or is it one of those things like a cigar is just a cigar?”

There she went again with the stupid analogy and his smirk got bigger. “Do you like reading about cigars?” he asked.

She burst out laughing. “You’re funny. I didn’t expect this from you from our short interactions in the office.”

“I could say the same,” he said. “For me it’s more about the fact there are too many eyes.”

“Me too,” she said excitedly.

She felt like such a fool when the words were out of her mouth, but he continued to laugh with her. “Are you hungry? Can I get you something to drink? We can eat anytime. I’ve got some bread to go with it too. I even put together a salad. Not sure if you’d like one or not.”

She found that very sweet that he thought like that. “If you’re going to have some then I will. I like a salad, but don’t go out of your way if you only did it for me. Unless you are worried it’d go to waste.”

“I’ll eat it,” he said, pulling it out of the fridge. “And it would go to waste if you don’t help me because I can only eat so much.”

The two of them laughed some more and when she left his house a few hours later, she realized she hadn’t laughed that hard in a long time.

She hadn’t felt that good about a date...ever.

His kiss at the end before she got to the door hadn’t been a surprise either.

She’d been hoping for it and wasn’t disappointed.

He’d put his hands on her hips and pulled her forward so that she bumped into him. Her glasses had fallen down her nose a bit and he pushed them up for her, a smile on his face, his mouth lowering to hers.

The kiss started out slowly. His lips nudged hers open, then his tongue slid in.

Her hands went around his neck and held on while they made out there for a few minutes. Then she realized she better reel it in and dropped her hands away, taking a step back.

She walked out his door smiling and swore the smile was still on her face when she climbed into bed and shut the light off.


Anything But

“Merry Christmas,” Ivan said to his mother when he walked in the door on Christmas morning. They were going to have a brunch and exchange gifts, hang out a little and then go to Aunt Jolene’s for some snacks in the afternoon.

When the family expanded as much as it had over the years, his aunt had found it easier to do a brunch at her house with her immediate family once all the kids opened gifts at their own house. Then in the afternoon, it was open for the rest of the family to stop in and mingle.
