Page 34 of Fierce-Ivan

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“As they should when you find the right person. I got here later than I thought because your father and I were enjoying ourselves.”

The smirk dropped from her daughter’s face. “Mom!”

“What? Your father and I have a very healthy sex life. There isn’t anything wrong with that. You should be so lucky at our age.”

Ella shook her head. “You’re not old and you know it. But I am busy.”

“I got what I needed anyway,” she said and left to go bug some more family members.

Her kids were hiding something from her, she knew it. She’d have to try another tactic.


Just Selective

Ivan was starting to feel cheap the longer he waited for Kendra to show up.

She’d gotten out of work half a day and said she’d take care of dinner and the entertainment for the night.

He wasn’t sure what that meant, but she was excited about it and he let it go.

Now all the times his family told him he’d be clutching money in his fist to his grave, he started to wonder if that was the truth.

He’d never felt it that much before. Never when he was dating even if the women he dated accused him of that.

He was just selective on where and what he’d spent his money on.

Too damn bad if his last girlfriend gave him shit for never wanting to go on expensive or exotic trips.

For not buying her jewelry every holiday or going out to eat once a week.

He’d dated Cassandra for two years. He liked her a lot. She probably liked him more and in his mind that was the bigger issue.

The fact his family never warmed up enough to her should have been his sticking point, but he was more a go-with-the-flow type of guy.

He thought they got along. They went on vacations, but not what she always wanted and he’d made sure she paid for some things. Not to be cheap but because he wasn’t giving anyone a free ride.

They weren’t married. They were dating. In his mind, he shouldn’t be supporting her. She thought differently even though she had a decent job.

But for some reason, here he was, on what might be considered date number two and he knew his aunt would be on his case. His mother too.

Two meals at his house. One he cooked and one she did. He’d been willing to cook or order out tonight, but she wanted to take care of it.

He started to argue and she insisted. That she wanted to. It was only fair, she said.

She got it. And maybe that was why he hadn’t felt bad when she offered. Only now he did as he waited.

He didn’t have long to wait though before his doorbell rang.

He rushed to open it and she was standing there with a box in her hand. “Let me take that. Wow, it smells good. What is it?”

“Lasagna. My mother and I make it a lot. I thought it’d be an easy dish to put together at home and bake here. Hope that was okay.”

“Perfect,” he said.

“There is bread with it. No salad. I saw you choked it down last time. I do have dessert too. I baked some blondies. You said you aren’t a huge chocolate person.”

He found that very sweet that she’d listened when they were talking. She’d heard the things he said in passing and remembered.
