Page 53 of Fierce-Ivan

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“What’s going on?” he asked. “You never ask me if I can talk quickly. It worried me.”

“Sorry,” she said. She told him about Ella’s visit and he laughed.

“I’m surprised it lasted as long as it had. How do you want to handle this?”

“I don’t care if your aunt knows. But I don’t want to run and tell her either. How about we talk tonight?”

“Oh, I’m sure with today being Valentine’s Day she will be there. When she has an agenda she works it. So my guess is, you’ll see her. Be prepared.”

“I will. Remember, I’m bringing dinner too.”

“And staying the night,” he said.

She hadn’t spent the night yet at his house and had been wanting to but didn’t want to leave her mother alone.

Her mother told her yesterday to get over it. She’d be fine and if not, Erika and Phil were upstairs and they would call. It was horrible she was so nervous over this, but she did want to stay with Ivan, and everyone was right, she had to start to live her life too.

“Yes,” she said. “I’m looking forward to it.”

“Then I’ll see you later,” he said.

They’d said no gifts tonight. She wasn’t into this being a holiday and all. Just being with him was enough. But she did buy a sexy bra and panty set. One in red to match the sweater she had on. She knew he’d be surprised.

Later that afternoon, Kendra went to the pub kitchen and put an order in for dinner. She’d thought about getting something from the restaurant, but they weren’t open yet and she didn’t know the specials and didn’t want to go back and ask someone.

This was easier and she wasn’t into fancy and gourmet anyway.

“Kendra,” Liam said to her. “Putting in an order tonight?”

“I was going to.” She was looking at the menu and planned on going to the station where they had someone on staff tonight taking orders and putting them together.

“For you and a special person?” Liam asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

“Leave Kendra alone,” Margo said, moving over. “Go back to your station.”

“I can’t leave her alone,” Liam said. “Come on, we’ve been in her shoes.”

Kendra sighed but kept her lips sealed, though there was a grin tugging at them.

“Liam will let you go,” Margo said. “But he’s right and we know what it’s like. I’m here to talk if you need to. Remember that.”

She smiled. “Thank you. I might take you up on it.”

Both Margo and Liam started to laugh, she placed her order, Liam leaning in and quietly saying, “My cousin loves Nic’s bread. If you get the tomato mozzarella salad, it comes with bread to dip.”

She didn’t know that. “Hmmm, that does sound good. I think that will go well with the rest of my dinner tonight.”

“Good choice,” Liam said and walked away.

She was going up the stairs when she heard her name called. “Kendra. Don’t you look so pretty and festive in red today.”

“Thank you, Jolene. You too.”

Jolene had a pink shirt on that had a big heart in the center with white lettering that said Grandma on it. “Sidney picked this out for me a few years ago. It seemed appropriate today.”

“Very,” she said.

“Did I see you ordering dinner with Liam?” Jolene asked. “I’m here to get dinner tonight too and bring back to Gavin.”
