Page 71 of Fierce-Ivan

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“Yes. Having a daughter, you pick up on those things,” Carolyn said. “I agree maybe there is hope here. We’ve got to figure out the next step. We can’t keep having parties for the heck of it. Our kids are on to us.”

“Who cares?” Grant said. “We love having the family together and this is our entertainment now.”

“Oh,” she said. “Now you guys want to admit how much fun it is when you and your brothers all thought we women were nuts.”

“Jolene, Grant and Garrett think they’ve got this one covered because Rachel works for them,” Diane said.

She laughed. “Sorry, you need your wives' help.”

“Like Gavin needed yours with Ella?” Garrett asked.

“That’s low, Garrett,” she said. “But I’ll let it pass.” She was never going to live that down.

“How is it going with Ivan?” Diane asked.

She’d told her sisters-in-law last week that the cat was out of the bag and Ivan and Kendra had been dating for two months without her knowing.

“That nephew of mine. He’s driving me insane. I don’t want to ruin my mood talking about him. I’ll catch you another time but not much to report.”

She talked for a few more minutes and hung up.

She wasn’t getting anywhere other than they’d been dating and being cool about it. Laid back. No information.

Jolene hated when there was no information to report and had to figure out her next move. They’d expect her to be busy with Landon, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t focus on more than one thing at a time.


Too Boring For That

“Hey,” Devin said to him when Ivan was walking up the stairs to Mason’s office. “Sorry you had to come here after work.”

Mason had called him over the weekend to see if he could meet sometime to go over a few things. Now that he got most of the work set up for Mason’s bourbon production, and with Ella out, he was going straight to Mason with things.

“Don’t worry about it,” he said. “I’ve done this for years. Why do you care now?”

“Because you’ve got a girlfriend and maybe you had plans with her?” his brother asked.

“What do you think?”

Devin slapped him on the back. “Yeah, that’s crazy. We know you. You’re too boring for that. You probably only spend time together on the weekends.”

“Don’t be an ass,” he said. “I see her during the week but not every night. You didn’t see Hope every night when you were dating.”

“I work nights,” Devin said. “But I did cross paths with her a lot here coming and going.”

Hope worked in the offices downstairs, Devin coming in and working nights. Ivan didn’t think his brother would continue that when he had kids, but maybe he would. He’d been picked on a lot in his life about being cheap and practical, but his guess was if one of them was working nights and the other days, daycare would be easier to handle.

Ivan wasn’t sure why his mind was going toward that either.

He liked that he’d been able to talk to Kendra about something in the future.

To him, the fact she was thinking of having kids meant she wasn’t going to live with her mother forever.

Correction, not with her mother, but upstairs in that tiny one-bedroom apartment.

He didn’t think the future was going to arrive fast, but the possibility was there.

And since he wasn’t known for moving fast without running all the possible scenarios in his head, he had to wonder why he was now.
