Page 72 of Fierce-Ivan

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The fact that Kendra stayed two nights for the past two weekends was a step in the right direction.

He liked the pace they were moving.

He loved what they had.

Then why was he wanting more?

Maybe it had to do with the fact there could be obstacles in their way when he’d never had that before.

“We have communication daily. It works for me. We are both busy,” he said. “More so for her now that Ella is out.”

“Don’t get defensive,” Devin said. “What’s wrong with you? You don’t even get defensive when we bust on you for being cheap.”

“I don’t know,” he said. “Just let it drop. Things are good and right where I want them. Not everyone moves fast like you did with Hope.”

His brother had started dating Hope in the fall and was engaged by Christmas. No way Ivan was thinking that at this point.

“When it’s right, it’s right,” Devin said. “Everyone seems to find someone and get engaged within a year or less.”

Interesting, he thought. Devin was right. And his aunt would be expecting that.

He’d have to keep that in his mind.

“I’m not everyone,” he said, grinning.

Devin laughed at him and they made their way to Mason’s office. Talk about a prime location with the big windows looking out over the production below.

“Thanks for coming in,” Mason said. “Hope I wasn’t pulling you away from anything by having you stop here after work.”

“Nope,” he said. “What are you still doing here?”

“I’m not on a timeclock,” Mason said.

He knew that. Mason sometimes came in at the crack of dawn and stayed until sunset. His cousins worked when they needed to to get the job done.

“I hope your wife isn’t holding dinner for you,” Ivan said.

“She took the boys out for dinner tonight. They stopped to visit Ella and the baby.”

“How is Ella doing?” he asked.

“Great. Jessica said she looked good and was moving around like she hadn’t even had a child. Of course as Jessica pointed out, Ella delivered naturally and didn’t have to recover from surgery.”

Mason’s wife was small and having twins made the delivery difficult.

Just more things that were going through his mind, wondering how he’d feel seeing the woman he loved carrying his child and if she had to have surgery to deliver.

And when he tried to picture that woman, it was Kendra that repeatedly popped into his line of vision.

“Your sister is tough,” Devin said. “I’m sure she’s ready to get back to work and driving Kendra nuts.”

“Kendra said Ella has been good to her word. She has sent a few pictures of Landon but hasn’t brought up work once.”

“And Kendra wouldn’t ask anything,” Mason said. “I like that about her. She’s not afraid to ask one of the rest of us for things.”

He knew that too. But Kendra had said that she’d been able to deal with everything in Ella’s absence. He knew it had to be a lot.

Ella did the widest span of work for the business. There was a lot more staff now, and work would be delegated to many, but Kendra seemed to have her finger in all the pies as the backup for Ella.
