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“Well,” he says. “Since I can’t leave you here and we don’t have a jail, I guess I have to take you with me. Are you hungry?”

I harden. “Are you going to drug me?”

“If we were going to drug you, we could have done it while you were sleeping,” he deadpans.

“Fair,” I say. “In that case, yeah, I could eat.”

He steps back from the closet, a black silk tie in his hands. I wonder where he got it—and what he’s going to use it for. “Unfortunately I’m going to have to blindfold you if—”

I back up a step, once again pressed against the wall. “No way.”

“Tilda,” he says. “If I was your prisoner, and you had to take me around your home base, would you just let me get a lay of the land?”

My shoulders slump. “Yeah…I guess you’re right.”

“Good,” he says. “Now turn around.”

I do as I’m told, but every inch of me tenses up, my hands balling into fists at my sides. I hear him step closer, then the heat of his body on my back. It makes me shiver.

What thehellis wrong with me?

“Trust me,” he says. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

And then the blindfold falls over my eyes.

Reyes’s hands work to tie a knot at the nape of my neck, his knuckles occasionally brushing my skin. I get another big whiff of old blood—my blood—as I stand there, breathing heavily and waiting for him to lead me wherever he’s taking me. I’m going to need a bath sometime soon if I don’t want to be sick. In fact, I almost feel like that should be the first order of business.

“I hope you’re hungry,” he says, like I’m not still disgusting from our little scuffle last night. “Mateo madetetelas oaxacathis morning.”

My stomach grumbles even at the prospect of homemade food, and I realize the bath can wait. “Sounds great,” I say. “Lead the way.”





Her name bounces around in my head as I tie a knot at the nape of her neck, wantingverybadly to lean forward and smell her hair. She’s still filthy from the night’s events, but that makes her more enticing. I can’t help but let my fingers brush her neck a little, reveling in the shiver that goes through her at my touch.

It isn’t fair to do this to her. I should have told her the moment she woke up that I was forced to bite her and that she’ll react differently to me because of it. But overnight, I made a decisionnotto pursue this, which made it seem easier to keep things quiet.

How am I supposed to explain to her that I didn’t save her because I’m a man of God, but because she’s my mate? She’s fully human and doesn’t share our lycan traits; she won’t understand the instincts that draw me to her, the way her pheromones push me toward madness.

I’ve made a huge mistake, and now I have to figure out how to get us both out of it without endangering my pack.

The severity of my mistake becomes even more clear when I open the door to my room and find Arden waiting on the other side, our only female alpha leaning back against the opposite wall with her arms crossed. Her hazel eyes flash, her cropped blonde hair falling across her forehead.

She doesn’t say anything, which almost makes it worse. In fact, she’s so silent that Tilda probably has no idea she’s there.

“Arden,” I say, tilting my chin to her. “Mornin’”

She doesn’t respond.

“Is someone there?” Tilda asks.

“Yeah, just saying good morning.” I leave Arden behind, pulling Tilda along with me. “I told you that people are…not happy that you’re here. Arden is just a bit more opinionated about that.”
