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She moaned in appreciation. “I don’t think I have any problem with that.”.

Chapter Seven


“This would go so much easier if you actually said something,” Marshall told Zane the night before I had to leave.

Zane sat at the kitchen island with his arms folded over his chest and his face set in granite. He was still clearly facing the worst of his break up. But he’d at least agreed to come over and talk it out with Marshall while I stood between them, just in case it got a little wild.

Marshall gave me a look that said, ‘I told you so.’

“Zane, I’m leaving in less than twenty-four hours,” I interjected in an attempt to at least get him to respond to his best friend. “I won’t be here to be the connection between you and Marshall.”

“Good,” he said and looked at his fingernails, which were growing out.

I sighed. “Do you really want to lose your best friend because he acted on his feelings?”

“You, I can forgive,” Zane said. “I have no choice but to forgive you because you’re my little sister. Him, on the other hand, well…he’s nothing to me. And as nothing to me, he betrayed my trust. You can’t tell me when I have to get over that.”

“How many times do I have to say that I’m sorry?” Marshall asked. He looked between me and Zane. “You know what? I’m not sorry.”

My eyes widened. He was not making this any better. “Mars—”

“I’m not sorry that I love your sister and I’m not sorry that I plan on spending the rest of my life with her. You can sulk and be an ass about it all you want, but if she chooses me as viciously as I choose her, then I’ll eventually be your brother-in-law and you’ll be the uncle to my children. So, you can either accept it now, or accept it later. But I’m not going anywhere. You’re both stuck with me.”

He looked at me. In his eyes was the intensity as strong as the largest storm…and it was all for me. I didn’t know how or when I got so lucky, but I was beyond glad that I did.

“I love you too,” I said, barely able to contain my shock at the words that came flowing so easily out of my mouth.

There was no one in the world but him. Always him.

I was aware of a retching sound and turned in time to see Zane making a face like he just threw up. I smiled and flushed at his childish actions.

“Fine,” Zane said as he got up and grabbed his jacket. “I’ll forgive you. I won’t forget it though, so you better watch your ass if you two ever break up. Even if it’s her fault.”

He didn’t wait for either of us to reply before leaving, tossing us a mock salute behind his head.

Marshall and I looked at each other with the same expression.

A hint of amusement was on his face before he said, “Well, that went well. Wouldn’t you agree?”

Chapter Eight


My heart was in my throat and there were tears in my eyes. It didn’t entirely have to do with the fact that Zane and I had just unloaded the last of Trisha’s bags and were waiting for that damn boarding call. My anxiety was through the roof and I could tell Trisha was anxious as well. Her fingernails were digging into the skin on my forearm and Zane’s feet were tapping restlessly on the other side of her.

He still refused to be any closer to me than absolutely necessary. Not that I minded, especially for what I was about to do.

“And you’ll call me as soon as you get there,” Zane was saying to her.

She nodded. “I will, I will. I promise.”


“I get it, Zane. You can stop now.”

The mic overhead announced it was time for her to board the flight and we all got up to help her with her luggage. Not that it was too much for her to carry, but I—we—wanted to make sure she had help.
