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Trisha hugged her brother for a long while when we got to the gates. In that hug, I could see the deep love they had for one another. Seeing it before me, I didn’t have to wonder why he got so pissed about seeing me with his sister. I completely understood it now.

She sighed and turned around to me, tear-streaked lines on her face. “Well,” she began. “I guess this is goodbye for now.”

I smiled at her through the tears in my own eyes. “You’ll be back here sooner than you know,” I replied.

She wrapped her arms around me. “I love you, Marshall. Thank you for being exactly what I need.”

“I love you more, Trish.” I inhaled her scent of vanilla and something utterly feminine. The next time I’d get to take in that scent was way too far off. I committed it to memory. “I have something for you.”

She pulled back and stared at me with a question in her eyes.

I dug into my back pocket and took out the small box at the same time I got down on one knee. My heart was pounding so fast I feared it might leap out of my ribcage at any moment.

“Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding me,” I heard Zane in the background. I ignored him.

I’d prepared an entire speech I’d gone over and practiced a million times while she slept last night. But the words flew out of my head when I needed them most.

“Promise me we won’t waste any more time waiting for each other by marrying me?” I said. I wanted to punch myself in the throat for not remembering any of the words.

Her eyes were wide and for a moment, with her hand covering her mouth, it felt like she was frozen. I wasn’t aware that a crowd had started forming around us until I started hearing whoops and cheers from all around me.

“Say yes!” I heard at various points in time. Trisha heard them too because her head started moving around the crowd before finally settling back on me. I was beginning to get even more nervous with every second she didn’t reply.

Her eyes finally caught mine again and they sparkled with tears for a new reason.

“Yes,” came her one-worded reply.

Relief crashed through me as I shot to my feet and lifted her off of hers, swinging her around before placing her back down. I kissed her lips and applause broke out all around us.

“I’m gonna marry you,” I breathed. It was as much of a reassurance to myself as it was to her.

She laughed and smiled and kissed me again. “I love you,” she said. Another kiss. “But I have to go.”

I nodded. “I’ll be here when you get back.”

I watched her release me and head through the gates to the waiting plane beyond. People patted me on the back as they passed, telling me congratulations and how happy they were for me. I didn’t realize how happy I was for myself. I was satisfied now more than ever.

She turned back around and blew me one last kiss before leaving. I caught and returned it and she continued her trip.

I heard an exasperated sigh next to me and turned to see Zane standing beside me with his hands in his pockets.

“So, you’re truly a changed man, huh?” He asked, not looking at me.

I mimicked his actions. “Yeah, I guess I am.”

“Good,” he said. “I was beginning to get tired of the old you.” He patted my back, drawing my attention back to him. “Congratulations, brother.”

I nodded, choosing not to show him how those words affected me. “Thank you.”

“And I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“That up until a few seconds ago, you were still a free man. Now you’re about to be tied down.”

I laughed and looked up where I was certain I would see Trisha passing to get onto the plane. She saw me too and waved.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” I replied.
