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Happy at her best friend’s own excitement, Bridget climbed out of the truck and made her way into the house. She spent the first thirty minutes prepping dinner, and as soon as Jerica texted that she was driving home, Bridget slipped it into the oven to cook.

Somehow, now that she’d said it out loud, it became real. Proposing wasn’t just a thought in her head any longer, and sure, they hadn’t been together that long, but everything about her and Jerica seemed to click. And getting engaged didn’t mean they were getting married any time soon. Just look at Eli and Sarah for proof of that. They’d been engaged over a year and still hadn’t tied the knot.

Shuddering, Bridget pulled up her work computer and started in on some more office stuff to try and get a little bit ahead since most of her day was a wash. She would stop as soon as Jerica got back so they could spend some proper time together. Except she couldn’t get her head out of the place it was in. Proposing.

Bridget had always wanted that to happen. She’d always wanted to fall in love, get married, maybe have a family—no, definitely have a family. She wanted kids, and she wanted to do right by them unlike her parents had done by her. She would use them as a prime example of what not to do. She just hadn’t thought it would ever happen, so she’d forgotten that dream.

She must have gotten lost staring at her computer screen, because she’d done no work by the time the front door opened and Jerica came inside. “Bridge?”

“I’m in the kitchen!” she called, loudly so Jerica would hear her. When Jerica came into the room and planted a kiss on Bridget’s lips, she asked, “How was work?”

“It was good, not as busy as I expected it to be.”


“It’s a full moon. I bet they all show up tonight.”

“I hadn’t even noticed,” Bridget answered, closing the lid on her laptop. “My day was a wash. They brought in cake, though, and a bunch of other food.”

“Oh yeah?” Jerica’s eyes lit up as she pulled off her jacket and draped it over the back of one of the chairs.

“Yes, and—” Bridget tugged Jerica’s arm so she landed in Bridget’s lap “—thank you for the flowers. They’re beautiful. I left them at work so I can think of you every time I see them.”

Jerica smiled. “I’m glad you liked them.”

Bridget kissed her, deepening the embrace and lingering for as long as she wanted. Jerica really was the one for her. She’d changed a lot since she’d been in love with Eli, and while she might still love Eli, she could equally see that Eli had found her own match—one where loving was far easier than it had been between the two of them.

Jerica nipped Bridget’s lower lip. “What’s for dinner? It smells amazing.”

“Some spaghetti casserole thing Eli showed me how to make.”

“Really? It smells good.”

“I hope it is.” Bridget kissed her again. “But I’m not quite ready to be done with this.”

Jerica giggled but moved back in to kiss her. They stayed that way, lips locked until the timer on the oven went off. Jerica extracted herself from Bridget’s lap with a couple more kisses and pulled out the food. She smiled. “I’m going to change before we eat. I feel nasty from my day at work.”

“You do that.” Bridget stayed put as Jerica made her way into the bedroom, already completely comfortable in the house.

They had talked about where they might live, what they might do, plans for the future, hopes and dreams. It’d been just about every conversation they’d had lately, and Bridget knew they both wanted the same things—marriage, family, kids, and careers they both loved.

Climbing to her feet, Bridget walked to the bedroom and watched as Jerica stripped down naked before pulling on loose clothing, eyeing her ass and tits every chance she got. When Jerica turned around, she pursed her lips. “While I love you in your uniform and think it’s absolutely hot, do you want to get out of it?”

“I might need some help with that.” Bridget raised an eyebrow. “What do you think?”

“Oh, I think I could definitely help, Sheriff.” Jerica walked closer, putting her hands on Bridget’s hips as she leaned in, her lips so close to Bridget’s ear that she could feel her breath. “And if you want, I can absolutely help with something else, too.”

“Yes.” Bridget turned her chin and captured Jerica’s mouth with her own.

In seconds, Jerica was pulling at the buttons on her uniform and stripping Bridget as naked as she was. They stumbled around her cast, finally getting it off so they could get her pants down, but as soon as Bridget fell backward onto the bed, she knew she was home. Wherever Jerica was, that was her home. It wasn’t a house, a building, a job, or a friend. It was this woman.


Jerica and Bridgetdrove up toIndigomid-morning, mostly to help with the final touches for the wedding. The house was busting with people already, which Jerica assumed was the rest of the family finally having arrived, including Sarah’s. Seeing a woman who looked very much like Sarah but equally different was the tip-off for that.

Bridget grasped Jerica’s hand as they walked into the house, finding Karen in the kitchen directing traffic. Her gaze softened as soon as she saw the two of them. “Oh good, you’re here.”

“What do you need?” Bridget asked, squeezing Jerica’s hand at the same time.
