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At that moment, I was reminded of how I had severely underestimated her. Her intelligence and ability to read people was astounding. Guilt over my previous behavior flooded me, and I pulled Diana into a shop so we could stop walking for a minute.

“Diana, you’re beyond smart. You’re a good judge of character and able to think outside the box. I can never say it enough times, but I’m so sorry about the way I treated you before. The stupid shit I said about you…the beyond fucked up shit I did…”

“We didn’t get off on the right foot, but you’ve been trying to make it right. When shit hit the fan back there, you protected me. You’ve been making such a huge effort to be supportive of me, too. You let me act like a total asshole after our bathroom romp, even though you didn’t deserve that. You obviously care,” she said as I pulled her closer to me, wrapping an arm around her waist. “You also apologized to me, as soon as I came back. And that means something to me, even if I wasn’t able to show it at the time.”

“Well, you had a lot going on after we took you out of equilibrium. I didn’t expect you to ever forgive me, so it’s ok.” It was the truth. I didn’t expect her to ever let my transgressions go and had made peace with that. I was awful to her, and she didn’t owe me anything.

“Mal, I’m willing to put everything behind us and start over. Yes, you disliked me, but you trying to kill me–that wasn’t you. There are feelings between us, and we both deserve to experience them. I only have one thing to ask of you,” she said, carefully looking at me to gauge my reaction.

“Anything.” I would literally do anything to make things right between us.

“It would make it easier for me to trust you if I knew more about you. The guys told me not to bring it up, and I know it is a sore spot between us,” she paused, looking at the floor, “But can you eventually tell me why you’re a hellbound? I need to know what happened–it’s part of who you are.”

I tipped her head up, rubbing my thumb under her chin. “I understand. Part of the reason I was so wary of you is because I was convinced you were lying to us about being a witch,” I admitted. “In time, I promise I’ll tell you. I just need to work up to it.”

She smiled at me, nodding. I lifted her off her feet, crushing her to me so I could kiss her. I didn’t let go until a patron asked us to move so she could look at the snowglobes behind us. Diana laughed, glowing in her happiness. I made a vow to myself at that moment. I would do whatever it took to make sure she was always happy. No matter what it took.

Mal, can you hear us? Please contact us asap,Bash linked me.

“I just got a link from Desmond. I told him we were en route back to the casino,” Diana said. I could see the wheels turning in her head as she pulled me out of the store.

“Yeah, I got one from Bash. Let’s find an empty spot and fade back. Can’t wait to see the looks on their faces when we tell them how you got us out of that jam.”

The minute we walked through the front doors of Fortuna’s Garden, three vampires in black suits and shades apprehended us, pulling us in another direction as they talked through their earpieces. They must have thought they were the agents inMen In Black.

“Taco Terminator and Smartass have come home,” the blond one said as he led us toward an elevator cab. The other two brought up the rear.

“I love my code name, because it’s 100% true–tacos are my favorite food. Since you have fangs and are wearing black diamond jewelry, I’m assuming you're Judas’ people, but for my piece of mind, can you prove it?” Diana stopped dead in her tracks, smiling at the men, who looked at her like she was insane. “We were just accosted by an enemy, so excuse me for doing my due diligence.”

The shorter one with umber skin pulled his suit and shirt sleeve up, showing us a tattoo of an ace playing card with a black diamond suit on it. “Is that proof enough?” he asked politely.

“Yes,” I answered, turning to Diana. “All members of the Costa Coven have that tattoo–it’s some kind of magical bond they all share, like a hive mind. Desmond mentioned it to me before.”

“Ah, okay,” she said as we boarded the elevator. We both stumbled as it shot down to the subterranean levels.

The men in black suits stood in front of us, looking ahead. I could still see their reflections in the mirrors surrounding us on the walls. One was on his phone, playing some colorful game, while the other two seemed to be lost in their thoughts. Diana reached up, standing on her tippy toes to pull my low bun. I raised an eyebrow at her, but she didn’t get the memo. Instead, she did it again, with a mischievous glint in her eyes. I snaked an arm around her waist and under her shirt, partially shifting so my claws came out. Lightly digging into the curve above her hip, I dragged them across her midriff, just enough so she felt a chill rush across her skin.

“My, what big claws you have,” she crooned in a low, seductive voice. Her eyes were wide, a mock look of fear on her face. “What do you plan on doing with them?”

“Nothing, I’ll never hurt you again. I just wanted you to feel them,” I bent over a little so I could whisper into her ear. “But that little sensation you felt…think of how good that would feel in other places…” I trailed off as my claws ran behind her and down over her ass. She filled out her black jeans perfectly, making them skin tight.

One of the Men in Black blushed, clearly eavesdropping on our conversation.Listen at your own risk.

The elevator halted, the doors opening up to the board room we were in before. Everyone, Judas and August included, waited for us with relieved facial expressions. Diana ran up to Nonna, hugging her. Angela joined in on the hug, and eventually they broke apart.

“I knew you were fine!” Angela exclaimed triumphantly. “You’re dating a bunch of old men, Diana. They worried way too much. If they weren’t immortal, they’d have gray hair.”

“Because they were gone for almost four days!” Desmond shouted. He came over to hug and kiss both of us on the cheek. “We had no clue where either of you were, and our mindlinks stopped working until you came back to the present because of the summoning circle.”

“Well, I was aiming for two days into the present when I time-hopped, so I was close,” Diana pointed out. “That’s better than the last time, when I was gone for a month.”

Azazel got up from his chair, wrangling his curly mane into a ponytail before hugging Diana and myself. I didn’t know him very well, but his hug made me feel…safe. Like I could tell him my deep, dark secrets.

“Bash and I could feel you through the bond, so we knew you were alive. We assumed Mal was with you. The fear you felt is what set me on edge,” Azazel’s light hazel eyes swept over both of us. “I talked to Judas, and we booked a magically proofed room they use for combat training. You’re taking up lessons again now that we’re in a safe location.” Judas gave a thumbs up in our direction, but his attention was solely on Angela. The intense focus he gave her gave off major creeper vibes, like serial killer/stalker/preceding a Dateline special kinda vibes.

“Even a day without you is too long,” Ares stated, deadly serious. “I failed you. You held my hand, and somehow we got separated…” His shame was evident on his downcast, somber face.

“Ares, it wasn’t your fault. Damon magically sealed the building from fading and teleporting. Diana and I just happened to get left behind. There was nothing you could have done,” I assured him.
