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“Damon was there? What the fuck happened?!” Oisín got up from his chair, storming over to Diana. “Are you two okay?”

“Our half-brother is a complete douchebag with daddy issues. Aside from being exposed to his bullshit, we’re fine. He caught us in the summoning circle, and thought that warding against fading and teleporting outside the building would trap us. The only way he thought we could get out was by leaving the circle, which would allow him to attack us. But I was able to time-hop us out,” Diana generally recounted. She gave her brother a hug, and after a few moments, he melted into the embrace.

“If anyone has any doubts about Oisín’s loyalty, get rid of them. The only reason we were able to escape was because he was true to his word. He didn’t tell Damon anything about Diana’s powers,” I said. “She caught him completely by surprise.”

He nodded at me, giving me a crooked Cheshire smile over Diana’s shoulder.

“You went from being an only child to having siblings out the wazoo,Bel,” Nonna said to Diana. “At least you know one of them is solid.”

“I don’t like that he was able to isolate you two,” Bash thought aloud as he paced along one end of the board table.“Tomorrow, we should have a meeting and get everyone together. Michael, the Costa leadership, Nonna, Angie, Oisín. Any other allies we can one hundred percent count on,” he said to Desmond and Judas.

“Done,” Judas switched his gaze to August. “Can you book a tech-smart conference room that can fit up to forty people? Make sure we serve a food lunch and a blood lunch, too.”

“On it,” he confirmed before he left.

“I know it’s only mid-afternoon, but I’m exhausted,” Diana yawned. “I’m going to take a nap until dinner. I’m sleeping over in Angie’s suite tonight.” The idea was met with frowns and groans from the guys.

“But youjustgot back,” Ares complained.

“I miss my family, and I need time with my aunt,” Diana explained. “I’m sure you’ll all keep each other company while I’m away. Have a guys’ night or something.”

If only it was that easy. None of us looked particularly pleased with the idea. Nonna and Angela laughed, like our predicament was so hilariously funny. I think they seriously underestimated how obsessed we all were with Diana.

I faded Diana back to our suite while the rest of the guys got in contact with everyone for the meeting tomorrow. She gave me a kiss on the cheek, and I felt like I was going to melt. I hadn’t had feelings like this for someone in a long time. The whole thing felt… bubbly as fuck.What was happening to me?

“I’m going to hop in the shower,” she said. Her smoldering gaze looked me over from top to bottom. “I’ll be in my room if you need me…”

She sauntered away, looking over her shoulder at me. Was that an invitation? I wasn’t used to Diana treating me with anything but contempt, but there was definitely a sexual undertone to that…I think?I hoped there was. I wanted nothing more than to bury my face in her cunt and taste how sweet she was again.

Women confused the fuck out of me, and it was hard to trust them after what happened, which was why I gravitated toward men. Men were much more upfront about what they expected. When I was still a warlock, 250 years ago, courting a woman was easier. There were rules and customs to follow. You could have a match made for you, or your family could set you up in an arranged marriage. But Diana was a modern, independent woman. I didn’t dislike that, but it did make it harder to read her. What did she want? Did she look over her shoulder to invite me into the shower with her? I was so scared of fucking things up between us that I froze there, caught up in indecision and doubt.

“Hey Mal, can you help me?” I heard Diana call from her ensuite bathroom.

I hesitated for a moment but made myself move. This was definitely an invitation…right? When I arrived at her bathroom, she was standing in the stall, with just a fluffy white towel wrapped around her. The slit in the side went to her upper thigh, showing me a peek of her pussy if she turned the right way. She eyed me as I stood in the doorway, white-knuckling the frame. Her gaze dragged up my body, landing on my face.

I cleared my throat. “How can I help?”

“I want to use the waterfall showerhead, but I’m not sure how to turn it on,” she pointed to the larger showerhead in the ceiling.

I stepped in, and she moved to the other side while I checked the levers and faucets. The knobs to turn on the side showerheads and the adjustable one were clearly labeled, but there didn’t seem to be an option for the waterfall. I was about to tell her I could use my telekinesis to fix it, when the showerhead sprang to life, soaking me with warm water.

“Oops,” she said, her blue-gray eyes alight with mischief. She smiled at me as she smoothed some wet hair away from my face. “I didn’t realize this lever did that–it’s not labeled properly.”

Stepping toward her and away from the water spray, I pulled my shirt off, teleporting it into the hamper outside the open shower door. My socks, pants, and underwear followed. I crowded her until her back was against the tiled wall.

“If you wanted me, you could have asked,” I pointed out.

She stared at my hard, knotted dick, reaching a hand out to stroke it lightly from base to tip. My breath hitched, because even the small motion made something deep in my gut stir. A blush crept from the tips of her ears to her chest. She bit her bottom lip, contemplating her response while she removed my hair tie. Wrapping a lock of my hair around her finger, she smirked before pulling it, bringing me close enough to her that I could steal her deep breaths for myself.

“I can do a lot of things…but I was hoping maybe you could do some of them for me.” The room’s acoustics gave her husky, silky voice an echo.

I watched her plump, bowed lips as she spoke. When I ran my thumb over them, they felt like plush, smooth satin. The thought of them rounded in anOas I made her scream–hearing her cry out in ecstasy as I worked her body over–flipped a dormant switch inside me. I needed her more than I needed air to breathe. Something about Diana quieted the rage inside me. My existence seemed less like a miserable, eternity-long punishment when I was this close to her. Her body was the salvation I had been looking for, and I wanted to worship her body until she couldn’t walk anymore. I made her towel disappear with a flick of my hand.

“I would do anything for you,” I vowed, running my fingertips from her lips down her throat until I cupped one of her breasts in my hand. I stroked my thumb across her nipple, feeling it pebble beneath my touch. Her gasp hit me bone deep. “Tell me what you want.”

“I want you to blow my mind and make me come,” she said with no hesitation. “I want to still feel you tomorrow when I wake up.”

“That I can do,” I promised.
