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“Bashisdrama,” she replied. “The second coming of William Shakespeare, accent and all.”

“Midsummer Bash Dream,” I snickered.

“Bashius Caesar,” she giggled.

“The Taming of the Bash,” I full-belly laughed, slapping Diana’s ass.

“Oh! Much Ado About Bash,” she cackled.

When you two are done talking shit, Ares is making enough pancakes to feed a Spartan army,Bash snapped.Your brother is here Diana, so put some clothes on.

“I’d ask where his sense of humor went, but he didn’t really have one to begin with,” she wheezed through her cackling laughter. She rolled away from me, rushing into her ensuite bathroom to clean off.

I picked a pair of leggings and a long tank top from her closet. One of her drawers had a sports bra and some underthings. When she came out, she smiled.

“I’m not sure what I did to deserve someone as sweet as you,” she commented, smiling at me. Her skin had a radiant glow, and she seemed delighted. “I’m so glad you’re here, though.”

“I am too, honey.”

Diana and I walked into an open floor space full of raucous talking, hand gestures, and smiles. Even Bash’s grumpy mood seemed to lighten.It seems all the positive vibes paid off.Now the guys could forget about being mad at Diana for her time-hop escapade. Oisín smiled at us after we sat down on the empty couch. I got up to make us plates, and he started laughing.

“I wonder where all of this positivity and happiness came from?” he said in an obvious tone. He didn’t seem to think it was funny, but he wasn’t outwardly angry. Reading him was more difficult than I cared to admit.

Diana looked at him with a puzzled expression, not putting two and two together right away. I sat next to her and handed her a plate of pancakes and bacon.

“Oisín is half angel, Diana,” I pointed out. “He can feel the positivity more than the others…”

She scowled, raising an eyebrow at her brother. She leaned back in her chair and took a sip of her orange juice. “Don’t go all protective big brother on me. I made it almost twenty-three years without you–don’t you dare scare off my guys or try to tell me how to live my life.”

“Whoa,” he said, holding his hands up in a mock surrender, “I wasn’t. I actually like that one. Well, I like most of them,” he said, scanning us all. I had a feeling Bash was the one he didn’t like, given the way his mouth frowned a bit when his gaze landed on him. “I was just teasing you. Go get laid and have fun–that’s the Morningstar motto.”

“Um, thanks…” Diana said.

“Little Goddess, you gotta try this,” Ares said, passing a little white bowl to Desmond, who smiled at Diana as he passed it to her.

“Oh, is this blueberry syrup?!” she exclaimed. “I love blueberry syrup. Thank you, Ares.”

“You’re welcome. I woke your sister up and asked her what you put on your pancakes,” he said before stuffing a whole piece of crispy bacon in his mouth.

“I’m sure she appreciated that,” Diana said, biting her cheek in an effort not to laugh.

We ate our food in relative silence. Ares hit the nail on the head with the pancakes. They were light and airy, but didn’t fall apart in the syrup. Mine always came out thick and heavy, a product of being in several armies over the centuries.

“What should I expect at this meeting today?” Diana asked. “I want to come prepared.”

“We’ll all be there, along with your family, Michael and some representatives from upstairs, Judas and his people, and some allies we have,” Bash said. “It can either go well, or be a complete shit show. Your dad is the unpredictable factor. What do you think, Az?”

I thought about it for a minute before responding. “He answers to God. And they can be cryptic at the best of times. Works in mysterious ways and all that jazz.”

“What allies are you inviting? I want to know if I should come armed or not,” Oisín said.

“You’re Diana’s family, which means you’re part of our family,” Desmond stated. “I only invited allies who can at least tolerate you. Also invited some Morningstar supporters, because we need all the help we can get.”

“Morningstar supporters?” Diana asked.

“Yeah, sister. Our family is like royalty. There’s a core group in hell that wants a Morningstar on the throne, whether it’s dear old Dad or one of us. Aren’t you five teaching her history?”

“No, we were too busy being attacked by reptile people and moving across the country. You've been falling out of the loop since you stopped cat-creeping,” Mal joked, his humor extra dry this morning. “But you are the most knowledgeable one here when it comes to history, considering how old you are. You should teach it to her.”
